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katsumi stood in left field, panting lightly from the practice. she looked over to jun, who seemed more tired than usual. she frowned, 'they're still upset about tanba-senpai...'

"yuki! isashiki! katsumi!" the three perked up, looking at kataoka. he beckoned them over, leading them away from the practice. he crouched down in the dirt, dragging a stick through it.

"you guys... do you know what position the team is in right now?" kataoka asked.

"yes.." jun and yuki replied.

"then why don't you two take the initiative and make some noise?" kataoka didn't look up as he spoke. "you two are the core players of the team." he looked up to katsumi. "and you, katsumi, you have the ability to cheer the team up no matter what. so why are you suddenly shying out of it?" katsumi looked down, kicking the dirt softly.

"with the whole tanba situation, the morale of the whole team is falling. in times like these, isn't it the duty of you third years to encourage the team? yuki.. isashiki.. from now on, every day, you're to do pitching at the bullpen after training. katsumi, your pitching training will increase to ensure you're ready in case we ever need to send you out."

the third years tensed up, and katsumi nodded, humming quietly. kataoka dismissed them, and katsumi walked off, the third years behind her. "so when were you going to tell us you were practicing pitching?" jun hit the girl's head lightly. she put a finger up to her mouth, smiling. jun rolled his eyes and yuki smirked.

later that night, katsumi stood in the indoor training area with jun, kawakami, and yuki. jun threw the ball to kazuya with a yell, "how's that miyuki! my bazooka ball!" katsumi giggled slightly.

"not even near the strike zone..." kazuya sweat dropped.

"what?!" jun yelled.

"switch with me, jun... i'll show you what a strike is..." yuki stepped forward.

"tch, when you're just a field player yourself!" jun scowled, looking over to see kawakami looking at him. "what's wrong, kawakami?! if you're not going to throw, switch with me!"

"eh?! i'll throw!" the second year jumped. "miyauchi-senpai, here i come!"

yuki pitched to kazuya, and katsumi smiled lightly. "just barely a strike!" the captain dead panned, muttering a 'what?!', and katsumi stepped forward, poking yuki.

'my turn.' she signed, and kazuya nodded.

"it's sumi's turn, now!" he smirked. katsumi walked forward, taking a deep breath. "pitch whatever you want, sumi!" the girl nodded, softly gripping the ball in her hand. kazuya held his mitt out, crouching.

katsumi winded her arm back, sending the ball flying to the mitt. yuki and jun gasped at the sound that came from the impact, and kazuya's eyes widened. they all stared at the girl, even kawakami and miyauchi watched in shock. katsumi let out a breathy laugh, looking down at her hand.

"nice pitch." kazuya smirked, throwing the ball back to katsumi. 'i'm definitely going to have to talk to her about that one later.' she grinned, handing the ball to jun, who was still stunned.

"since when- wh- what?!" he yelled suddenly, and the girl sweat dropped. yuki smirked, putting a hand on jun's shoulder.

"no wonder you're our secret weapon." he said, his eyes meeting with katsumi's. she smiled, watching jun wind up another pitch. yuki kept his eyes trained on the girl, 'she's going to be a powerful pitcher if played as one.'

˚* ੈ✩‧₊

katsumi stood in the batting cages, gripping her bat tightly. she huffed quietly, nodding at the second string member throwing her balls. "ah, miyuki-chan.. we've been at this for an hour... maybe you should practice something el-" he cut himself as katsumi shot a glare his way and he froze in fear.

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