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the seidou players were sitting in the dining hall for breakfast, chests still warm with yesterday's victory over yakushi. katsumi walked down the path to the building, humming quietly as she skipped. she slid the door open, tired eyes scanning the room and landing on furuya. she smiled softly, walking over to grab some food before heading over to the monster rookie.

"morning." he mumbled as she sat down next to him. she hummed in response, smiling at eijun and haruichi across the table.

"how'd you sleep, katsumi-chan?" haruichi asked the girl, eyeing the bags under her eyes. she shrugged, picking at her rice with her chopsticks.

"probably would've been a lot better if you had fur- ack!" eijun choked on his rice as katsumi kicked his ankle harshly.

"hey, nerds!" kuramochi sat down next to eijun, kazuya sitting across from him and next to katsumi. "you excited for today?!" the first years looked at him with wide eyes.

"what's today?" haruichi murmured.

"ah, you guys don't know?" kazuya smirked.

"no! what?!" eijun yelled, earning a 'quiet!' from jun, who sat a few tables over.

"takashima said she convinced coach to let us have a day off for all of our hard work, and said that she had something planned." kazuya replied.

'planned?' katsumi frowned slightly. she didn't necessarily have anything planned for today, probably just some light running and then trying to beat cynthia and her stupid garchomp.

"wipe that look off your face, sumi!" kazuya flicked some rice at her. she scowled, whacking the back of his head. "why you-!" he grabbed her in a headlock, giving her a noogie. the four boys around them sweat dropped, watching katsumi repeatedly smack her brother's shoulder after he let her go.

"excuse me!" the dining hall went silent and looked over at takashima. she smirked, "after lunch today, get on the buses in front of the school." she glanced over her shoulder as kataoka walked in.

'is this mandatory?' katsumi pouted as she chewed on her rice.

"before anyone asks, this is mandatory." katsumi sweat dropped. "we're going to an amusement park." katsumi perked up. "i'll see you all at 2." kataoka walked out, takashima following.

"amusement park?" eijun raised an eyebrow.

"hyahaha! sounds like fun!" kuramochi laughed.

'i can feel the headache already.' katsumi slumped in her seat.

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"let's goooooo!" eijun ran up the bus stairs.

"sawamura! don't get in before me!" kuramochi yelled, running after the boy. katsumi watched from afar, lips pulled into a pout as she fiddled with her fidget cube.

"hey." she jumped at furuya's voice, turning to face him. "you ready for today?" katsumi shrugged, kicking a rock under her foot. "don't worry." she looked up. "i'll stay by you." he smiled slightly. she smiled, nodding and walking over to the bus, furuya trailing behind her.

"is everyone here?" takashima asked, walking onto the bus with the other coaches.

"i believe so..." oota replied, counting the amount of players. katsumi leaned against furuya, humming quietly as the bus took off. the bus ride to the park only lasted forty minutes, filled with kuramochi yelling at eijun to shut up and jun yelling at kuramochi to shut up.

"we're here!" eijun scrambled out of the bus, kuramochi hot on his trail.

"what did i tell you?!" he yelled, kicking the boy's butt. katsumi giggled as she came down the stairs behind them, her finger falling out of furuya's. she looked up at the entrance of the park, humming with a small frown.

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