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the next day, katsumi was practicing with chris in an empty bullpen. "only one month and a half until the summer preliminary," katsumi nodded, and he crouched, pulling his mask down. he smirked, holding his mitt open. "coach wants to have you as a secret weapon, and as a backup plan. just in case our usual pitchers aren't cutting it. but it's unlikely you'll be pitching in the summer tournament."

katsumi took a deep breath and raised her leg. winding her arm back, she slammed her leg down and released the ball, sending it flying to chris' mitt. she smiled at the impact that sounded, but chris frowned.

he stood, lifting his mask. "you're letting go a bit later than usual. maybe we should stop, we've been at it for two hours now." katsumi shook her head, and chris smiled slightly. "you're just like eijun and furuya, and you're not even an official pitcher," he started taking his gear off. "but you can't overwork yourself. you're making a lot of progress, can't have you hurting something so close to the summer tournament." she frowned, nodding. "head on to dinner now, yeah? i'm sure kazuya's worried, we went over a bit today."

katsumi smiled, waving to the older boy and walking towards the dining hall. she yawned, unbuttoning her jersey and leaving it open as she pushed the door open. she drowsily picked up a tray, walking over to sit with her first year friends.

"oh, katsumi-chan! were you practic-" eijun cut himself off as he saw katsumi's jersey open, her dark blue undershirt tight around her body. blood started leaking from his nose, and furuya glared at him, kicking him under the table. "ah! sorry!" katsumi tilted her head innocently, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"you were doing extra practice?" haruichi tried to distract the girl. katsumi nodded, getting her journal ready while sticking rice in her mouth. "what kind?" she pushed the journal across the table to the boy.

just some extra exercises. haruichi nodded, continuing with his meal.

"should i try them? will they help with my pitching?!" katsumi sweat dropped, shaking her head at eijun's question and he pouted. furuya watched the girl, leg bouncing. once they'd all finished their meals, katsumi excused herself for the night, and furuya waited for a moment before following her.

"katsumi!" he called out softly and she turned, smiling at the sight of the pitcher. she waved him over, and he hesitantly followed.

she continued walking to the girl's dorms, humming as she led furuya. the wind blew softly, her unbuttoned jersey ruffling in the wind. he glanced at her torso, face flushing as the sight of her undershirt hugging her stomach. they stopped in front of a door, and katsumi quickly unlocked it, shutting it behind her. the smell of caramel and cinnamon hit furuya like a truck, and he smiled softly at the warm scents.

"just s- s- sit on my chair." she pointed to one of the two desk chairs, the only hint of it being katsumi's was the fact that it was facing outwards while the unused one was under the extra desk.

furuya sat down slowly, blue eyes scanning the room, seeing quite the mess. her hamper was nearly full, and he could see an empty protein powder container on the ground. he was distracted by the bathroom door closing, katsumi walking out with a bowl of water. she dragged the unused desk chair in front of furuya's, sitting down with a bottle in her hand. she held it up, smiling.

"this- this'll help." she held her hand out. "give me your h- hand."

furuya blushed, holding his hand out. katsumi grabbed his finger like she'd done the night before, inspecting the split nail with bistre eyes. she uncapped the bottle in her hand, and furuya raised an eyebrow, a strong smell hitting his nose. he scrunched his nose up slightly, and katsumi smiled. 'cute...'

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