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katsumi woke up from her sleep to a sharp pain below her stomach, her eyes widening. 'not now...' she winced, holding her stomach and looking to the clock. 'it's only three...' she curled up into a ball, tears pricking her eyes. 'this blows.'

katsumi woke up for the second time to her alarm, groaning softly. the last two hours of sleep were horrible, filled with her waking up and curling into a ball to fall asleep. she trudged through morning practice, not conversing with anyone. haruichi watched her with concern, nudging furuya.

"do you think she's okay?" he murmured, and furuya shrugged, watching the girl get kicked in the butt by kuramochi. she gave no response, the shortstop looking at the girl with confusion.

"what's wrong, sumi sumi?" the girl just looked up at him with tired eyes, shrugging and walking to the dining hall. he watched as she walked away, sighing and turning away.

all throughout breakfast, the girl picked at her breakfast, not even bothering to glare and kanemaru when he told her she needs to eat or he'll tell kataoka. eijun, instead, scowled at the boy and yelled at him to leave her alone, not even noticing the girl stand to go to class early.

she sat at her desk, trying to distract herself in listening to the teacher's lecture. akina and haruno watched the girl in concern, and as soon as the bell rang for lunch, akina pulled her chair over to katsumi's desk.

'are you alright?' the blonde signed, watching the girl with worry.

'just that time of the month.' katsumi signed, frowning. haruno walked over, smiling softly.

"are you alright, katsumi-chan?" the small girl nodded, wincing as another pain coursed through her. her two friends looked at each other, before turning back to katsumi. "maybe you should tell coach you need to take a break."

katsumi shook her head, sighing quietly. haruno frowned, sharing a look with akina. katsumi just waved the girls off, putting her head down to sleep. they frowned, and akina pat her head softly before returning to her desk.

˚* ੈ✩‧₊

"bow towards the field!"


katsumi bent at a ninety degree angle, panting quietly. "i- it's over... this training camp was dead tiring... now all that's left is the practice matches..." eijun huffed out, catching sight of kazuya and running over to him to ask about him catching his pitches. furuya followed, leaving haruichi and katsumi behind.

"i think i'm dead.." haruichi muttered, and katsumi giggled, pulling out her notepad.

it's okay, we can carry each other to dinner. she grinned. the boy smiled tiredly, wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulder. she threw her arm around his shoulder and grabbed his hand, him doing the same.

together they carried the other to the dining hall, katsumi nearly collapsing as they walked through the doors. the two sat down, and haruichi ate more silently than usual. katsumi watched him with concern, and kicked his leg softly. he looked up, and she slid her notepad across the table.

are you okay? haruichi smiled, nodding. katsumi frowned, but didn't press any further. she sighed at the noise of eijun yelling at kanemaru, rolling her eyes and trying to focus on her food.

she left the dining hall silently, walking back to her room and not bothering to stop at the vending machines. she opened her door, hopping in the shower then getting her pajamas on. she heard a knock at the door, and frowned.

'if it's one of the boys, i swear...' she opened the door, smiling at the girls in front of her.

"katsumi-chan!" haruno grinned, holding a bag.

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