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"play ball!"

"i'll allow one point!" jun yelled. "anymore and i kill you!" katsumi rolled her eyes at the boy as she held her arms up halfway, looking at kazuya for a sign.

'they won't swing at the first pitch you throw... so don't hold back, sumi.' the siblings smirked at each other as kazuya gave his first sign. the familiar white noise returned to her ears and her vision tunneled in, only showing kazuya and her batter.

'so mean, aniki.' she raised her arms, taking a deep breath. she slammed her leg down, dirt flying up underneath her. the ball shot from her arm like a canon and the batter's eyes widened. despite the fact that he didn't want to swing yet, his joints locked up as the ball sped past him and hit kazuya's mitt.


kataoka smirked and oota gaped at the girl. "a- amazing!" he yelled. "good job, miyuki-san!" his praise fell on deaf ears.

"nice pitch, sumi!" kazuya threw back to katsumi, smirking at the bewildered look on the batter's face.

'it was perfectly straight, but so fast... at least 115m...' sensen's coach, ugai, rubbed his face, deep in thought.

katsumi raised her arms as kazuya signed once more, glasses tinting over to cover her dangerous glare from the spectators and players. kazuya and the batter, however, had perfect sight of it. kazuya smirked and the batter gulped nervously, shocked that such a small girl could give off such a dangerous aura.

she slammed her leg down, the ball shooting out of her hand and rocketing towards the batter. he froze up once more, the ball breezing by his chest and hitting kazuya's mitt.


"ah... such a high ball!" oota panicked. "was that intentional?!" kataoka ignored the man, watching katsumi with careful eyes. kazuya signed once more and katsumi nodded, raising her arms. she slammed her leg down, arm falling and letting the ball fly towards the batter. at the speed of the ball he went into a panic and swung, eyes widening as the ball fell and hit the plate.


her ears unplugged, and the white noise was replaced by loud cheers.

"one out! one out!"

"nice pitching, katsumi!" yuki smiled.

"kill them, katsumi!" jun yelled.

"wooo~ katsumi-chan!" haruno yelled happily, the managers and akina clapping and cheering for the girl.

"nice pitching, sumi!" kazuya smiled at his sister as the next batter walked up. 'ah, shit.' he looked up at maki, biting his lip. 'she'll need to pitch higher now... you've got his, sumi.' he crouched, signing for a pitch. katsumi nodded, the white noise and tunnel vision returning. she winded her arms up, releasing the ball.

the ball flew past maki and his lips twitched for a moment as he inhaled deeply. "nice pitch!" kazuya called. katsumi raised her arms once more, the ball rocketing from fingers and past maki once more. she narrowed her eyes at kazuya's sign.

'seriously?' she nodded, changing her grip on the ball and raising her arms. she brought her arm down quickly, but slower than before. she smirked as the ball flew from her fingers, coming to maki just as fast as before. he smirked slightly, swinging with wide eyes as the ball's speed dropped suddenly and the ball fell, narrowly avoiding the swing of his bat.

katsumi's eyes widened and the white noise vanished, kazuya's expression matching hers. 'a change up?!' the three of them thought.

'i had no idea...' katsumi's eyes widened.

𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 [𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐬.]Where stories live. Discover now