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a few days had passed, and katsumi's knee injury was slowly healing. she was currently stretching it out on the floor of the weight room, thinking angrily about her brother.

ever since he caught her and furuya in the dugout, he's gone out of his way to ensure that they barely had any alone time. he sat in between them at meals, and made sure to shadow furuya during his pitching training while making katsumi practice batting or exercise her knee. it had gotten so bad, that furuya was becoming distant, scared to talk to the girl for fear of kazuya seeing.

katsumi was growing annoyed with her brother's actions and lack of attention from furuya. she didn't understand she was so attached to the boy, or why she was constantly longing for his presence and touch.

"katsumi?" the girl perked up, eyes locking onto the figure entering the room. "is everything alright? you seem stressed." yuki walked towards the girl, kneeling down next to her. katsumi gave no reply, tearing her eyes away from the boy and resuming her stretching. "katsumi..." he grabbed her shoulder.

"everything's fine." she muttered, still not meeting his gaze.

"shouldn't you be eating dinner right now?" yuki frowned.

katsumi sighed softly, "i.. don't need it."

"are you doing this again?" katsumi flinched at his tone. "katsumi, i was your captain. do you think that ryosuke didn't tell me about you starving yourself and skipping your meds?"


"i'll drag you to the canteen if i have to. don't make me get miyuki." he warned.

"r- relax, this is the fir- first meal i skipped." she mumbled, hesitantly looking up at him. "i'm gaining weight anyways.."

"well, i don't care if you're 'gaining weight', as long as you're not starving yourself. don't make it a habit, okay?" the boy muttered as the door slid open. "and don't make me get jun."

"hah? what's going on?" jun stomped towards the two. "stop telling secrets!" he whacked the back of katsumi's head. she whined, rubbing the back of her head and glaring up at the boy. "what's going on?"

"nothing, sen- senpai." katsumi smiled up at him. he grumbled, sitting down next to her.

"how're your stretches going?" he asked. "is your knee feeling any better?"

katsumi shrugged, "a little. i've been- been stretching it everyday."

"and how are you and furuya?" jun smirked.

"oh- oh.. uh..." katsumi laid back against the floor, frowning up at the ceiling. "things have b- been good, but..."

"but...?" yuki frowned, sitting down.

"ahh, has he been a bad crush?!" jun yelled, laying down next to katsumi.

"boyfr- friend, now. and no... he's been great." jun and yuki looked at each other with wide eyes.

"boyfriend? when'd that happen?" yuki smiled softly.

"ah, l- last week?" katsumi smiled brightly. "he was re- real cute about it, t- too.."

jun scowled lightly, "he'd better be treating you well." katsumi nodded, giggling softly.

"so then what's wrong?" yuki hummed.

"aniki.." although katsumi's response was one worded, her seniors understood it perfectly.

"ah.. i see." jun smiled softly. "he's being too overprotective?"

katsumi nodded sadly, "w- way too overprotective." she sighed. "we've barely got- gotten any alone time..."

"well, you know it's just because he cares about you." yuki said. "i'm sure he doesn't mean to hurt you or make you upset, he just wants to make sure you're happy."

𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 [𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐬.]Where stories live. Discover now