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the next day, katsumi was really starting to feel the practice in her body. her legs burned slightly when she walked; she didn't even want to walk to the vending machines for gummy bears! despite the soreness of her legs, her breathing stayed relatively even compared to that of the other first years.

she looked to haruichi, who dove for a ball that bounced off the dirt in front of him. it flew past him, and katsumi frowned. "what is it! the training is only just starting!" one of the third years yelled.

haruichi bent over, panting. "if you're tired, you can rest." ryosuke smirked, sweat dripping down his face. "there are many others who want to replace you!"

"i'm perfectly fine..." haruichi mumbled.

"if you're fine, then don't show your fatigue on your face! stupid..." ryosuke's smirk grew as his brother pushed himself off the ground.

"...'kay." the boy mumbled in reply. katsumi took a deep breath, perking up as her name was yelled.

"katsumi, be ready!" the ball was hit towards her and she took off running, sticking her arm out to catch it. she sent it back towards the pitcher, and haruichi watched with a bit of envy. katsumi looked over at him, smiling and nodding. he smiled back tiredly, giving the girl a thumbs up.

˚* ੈ✩‧₊

"one, two, three, four!" yuki called out, leading the team in their running drill. katsumi looked back to the first years, slowing slightly to match their pace.

"katsumi.. just run.." eijun panted. katsumi shook her head. "you can go faster... than us..." katsumi ignored him, staying by their sides. the boys all looked to katsumi, eyes widening at the girl's willingness to run with them.

'she slowed herself down...' haruichi looked over at the girl.

'...just to run next to us..?' eijun smiled tiredly.

'...how sweet...' furuya looked down at the girl as sweat poured down his face. they sped up slightly, and katsumi smiled.

once finished, the three boys collapsed, and katsumi kneeled next to furuya, feeling his neck for a pulse. kuramochi laughed at the sight, watching furuya attempt to swat the girl's hand away. the coaches watched from afar, kataoka's eyes on katsumi.

"ah, katsumi slowed down at the end... is she going to be alright?" oota looked to kataoka. "she is a bit chubby, maybe she won't do as well on the first string.."

"she.. slowed herself down to run with them.." takashima murmured, watching the girl make sure the first years were still alive. "and in turn, they went faster..." oota's words finally registered in takashima's mind, and she whipped around to face him with a fiery aura. "her body has nothing to do with it, oota. katsumi's speed can rival that of kuramochi's." oota sweat dropped, looking away fearfully.

"she may be a hell of an outfielder and batter, that girl is a team player, above all else." kataoka said, watching the girl stand and turn to her upperclassmen, the same worry in her eyes as she made sure nobody else was on the verge of death. "she may not have loud team spirit like eijun, but she does have her own spirit. she inspired them, she's a good player in that way." kataoka smirked slightly, and takashima smiled, looking back to the girl.

"she's kind of acting like their mother," takashima mused. "despite being the youngest and the smallest." kataoka smirked more, watching katsumi get punched softly in the stomach by ryosuke.

after practice, katsumi sat in her bath, breathing slowly as she tried to rest her legs. she sunk under the water, submerging her nose as she closed her eyes. 'only four more days.' she sat up to grab a gummy bear from her bag, before fully submerging herself and smiling.

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