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katsumi watched nervously from beside haruichi as the two teams lined up, before the seidou players went back to their dugout and the inashiro players got into their positions. furuya sat down next to katsumi, his finger reaching for katsumi's. she interlocked their fingers as kuramochi walked up to bat.

"we'll win." furuya mumbled. katsumi nodded, clicking her fidget cube as she smiled up at the boy.

"ball four!" katsumi looked out to the field, eyes wide.

'mochi-senpai got walked..?' she tilted her head.

"that's right! that's good, kuramochi-senpai! you can do it if you really want to!" eijun yelled excitedly. "show some confidence!"

katsumi giggled at the irked look kuramochi gave the first year. as narumiya threw his first pitch to ryosuke, kuramochi took off and stole second. he threw a fist into the air and stuck his tongue out.

katsumi clapped loudly, a faint noise in the back of kuramochi's mind. the boy's brown eyes finding hers. 'always behind us, huh sumi sumi?' he grinned at the girl.

ryosuke hit the next pitch with a bunt, getting out but getting kuramochi to third. jun walked up to bat and swung at narumiya's first pitch, hitting it past the infielders. kuramochi sprinted for home plate, cheering from the stands filling the field for seidou scoring first.

"mo- mochi-senpai!" katsumi limped towards the boy as he walked back into the dugout. "here!" she handed him a cup of water.

"sit down, dumbass!" the second year took the cup of water, wrapping an arm around katsumi to support her. "only you would risk injuring your knee further to give me a cup of water." he scolded her lightly.

"i- i wanna help.." she whispered, just barely audible over the cheers and screams from the spectators as yuki walked up to bat.

"you've already helped plenty in getting us this far." kuramochi grinned, leading the girl back to furuya. haruichi had gotten up to cheer from beside eijun, leaning over the fence with the other players.


katsumi's head jerked over to look at yuki, who was walking back to the dugout. she frowned, sensing an irritated aura from the boy. she hummed and stood up, only to be pulled back down.

"katsu," furuya held her wrist softly. "you need to rest."

"you've been putting too much pressure on your knee, you probably shouldn't even be walking." haruichi chipped in, turning around to face the girl. "just rest, katsumi-chan." the pinkette smiled softly.

katsumi nodded, crossing her arms and pursing her lips. masuko hit the first pitch thrown to him, but was quickly tagged out at base, marking three outs. she tugged furuya's jersey sleeve softly. "hey." she whispered, earning his attention.

"hm?" katsumi leaned up, pecking his cheek quickly.

"good luck." she murmured. furuya turned a deep red, fingers touching the spot that katsumi's lips had.

"uh.. uh... thanks..." he murmured, a warm aura appearing around him.

"oi, let's go!" jun grabbed the boy's jersey, dragging him out of the dugout. katsumi sighed happily as she watched her teammates run out into the field, ignoring eijun's teasing about the kiss.

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