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the seidou players stood in two lines, waiting for kataoka to speak. "in preparation for tomorrow's game the official training ends now! the game begins tomorrow at 10 am.. do some light warm-ups until 8:30 and then get into the stadium! it seems tomorrow's temperature will cross 30°C, so keep self-training to a minimum and get some good sleep."

katsumi sent a worried glance up to furuya, who stood next to her. her thoughts kept drifting back to what he said to her in the weight room yesterday, each time bringing a soft peachy blush to her face. "dismissed!" the girl was snapped out of her thoughts, humming as everyone yelled a 'yes!'.

"already over?! when the game is tomorrow?!" eijun growled.

"no.. especially because the game is tomorrow.." haruichi smiled.

"haruichi!" the boy turned to face his brother. "tag along on my tee batting later!" ryosuke smiled at him. the upperclassmen all turned in shock, and katsumi smiled softly.

"y- you sure you want me?!" haruichi gasped.

"haha, what do you mean? you can hit some too... later that is.." ryosuke walked away, nodding at katsumi with a smile. she nodded in return, walking over to kazuya.

"ah, what'd you do to ryosuke, sumi?" the catcher smirked.

'i didn't do anything.' katsumi signed, smiling genuinely. 'they are brothers, after all.' the two began to walk away, before being interrupted.

"hold it, miyuki kazuya!" eijun pointed at the boy, kazuya freezing as katsumi giggled. "don't you want to catch the straight of the evolved me?!"

"shut up! don't call me by my first name! i caught it yesterday already, your pseudo straight!" katsumi snorted, walking over to the managers.

"what d'you mean pseudo?!" katsumi rolled her eyes at the two as she approached haruno.

"ah, katsumi-chan!" the girl grinned. "how've you been?"

'good, i suppose.' she signed, looking over to her brother, talking with furuya. her eyes drifted to the pitcher, whose eyes quickly met hers. she quickly turned away, thankful haruno hadn't noticed. 'chris-senpai banned me from eating gummy bears at games, even when i'm not playing!' katsumi pouted, and haruno giggled.

"well, i'm sure it's for the best- oh, hi furuya-kun!" haruno smiled at the pitcher who'd appeared behind katsumi. the girl turned, smiling up at the boy. haruno suddenly caught a strong scent, and she scrunched her nose up.

'it smells like that nail stuff from katsumi-chan's room.. but it didn't start until he came over-' her eyes widened as she looked at the two baseball players.

"katsumi.. i know it's earlier than usual.. but can you uh.. do that thing again tonight? it'll help me feel relaxed for the game tomorrow.." the boy muttered, not exactly wanting to talk about having his nails painted in front of a bunch of teenage girls.

"what thing?!" haruno blurted out. the other managers looked over, smiling.

"ah, katsumi and furuya? it makes sense." takako smirked. "but what are you two doing?"

"yeah, what are you two doing?!" kuramochi appeared out of nowhere, kicking furuya in the butt.

"aren't you two a bit young for that?" yuki glared at furuya.

"hey now, don't get all close and personal with my sister!" kazuya frowned.

"furuya?! what the hell do you think you're doing?!" jun yelled, running over.

"ah, kids are very rambunctious nowadays." ryosuke smiled. katsumi tilted her head, quickly writing down in her notepad as the upperclassmen interrogated furuya. she walked over to chris, showing him the note.

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