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katsumi sat in her class, tapping her pen against her notebook as she stared at eijun. 'he's actually paying attention... he still seems to be upset though.' the girl frowned, looking to the door as it opened. the principal stood in the doorway, smiling.

"good afternoon, everyone. i'm sorry to interrupt, but we have a new student joining us." a tall girl walked in behind him, and katsumi immediately took note of the device in her ear, just visible behind locks of blonde hair.

"this is yamamoto akina, she's here from sendai. yamamoto is hard of hearing, which means she can hear you, but only if you're speaking loud and clear. please, treat her kindly and give her your warmest welcome!" the class gave a half-hearted wave, but katsumi smiled and waved excitedly. yamamoto caught the girl's wave, and smiled.

"yamamoto-san, there's an empty seat right next to miyuki-san." the teacher pointed at katsumi, and she raised her hand. yamamoto smiled and nodded, walking over to the smaller girl.

katsumi waved, turning to the girl, 'hi! do you know sign?' she smiled softly. yamamoto nodded, a grin coming to her face.

'yes, it's good to see someone else does too!' yamamoto smiled shyly.

'my name is miyuki katsumi.' katsumi smiled.

'yamamoto akina, nice to meet you!' katsumi grinned, before turning back to the lesson. after the bell rang, she turned back to akina. 'so, what's it like here?' the blonde asked, standing and collecting her books.

katsumi smiled, 'it's great! a lot of the people here are nice! what was your old school like?' katsumi slung her bag over her shoulder.

akina smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear. 'it was okay, but i didn't have many friends there, nobody knew sign language. my dad got a new job here in tokyo, so we had to move from sendai.' katsumi nodded. 'tell me about yourself!'

'like what?'


katsumi thought for a moment, 'well, i play for the baseball team, i have an older brother, and i have a huge scar on my elbow and knee from skateboarding.'

'no way, let me see!' akina gasped, and katsumi pulled her knee high sock down, revealing a long vertical scar down her knee. then she rolled up her sleeve, revealing a scar on her elbow. akina pulled a face, and katsumi giggled. 'what about the scar on your cheek?'

katsumi frowned slightly. 'from a baseball.' akina nodded in response, not buying it.

'isn't the baseball team all boys?' katsumi nodded.

'my brother and i grew up loving it, and he's the one who recommended me for the team, he's a catcher for us.' akina nodded, smiling. 'i need to get to practice, i'll see you later, akina!' katsumi waved, walking down the hall to leave the school. akina waved back, smiling softly.

˚* ੈ✩‧₊

katsumi jogged around the field with the other players, next to furuya. "uwooooh! i won't lose!" eijun shouted in the distance, tire dragging behind him. "to myself! or to baseball!

"he's getting pumped up. once he decides on something, he moves forward. that's his strong point." haruichi smiled from the other side of furuya. furuya frowned, before speeding up. haruichi and katsumi sweat dropped, before haruichi smirked and sped up.

'no way i let these guys outdo me.' she smirked, speeding to catch up. she passed haruichi and furuya, hearing a shocked gasp from each of them, before catching up with eijun. "nice pace, eijun." she whispered. he nearly tripped, having never heard her speak before. she giggled, "not fast enough, though." she sped up, taking the lead.

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