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after lunch, katsumi made furuya do some practice, feeling bad that he was missing out on practicing due to wanting to be with her. she sat in the grass of field a, flipping through her manga as furuya jogged around the field.

each time he passed she smiled at him, causing him to blush and regain some stamina. eventually he stopped, panting heavily and wiping sweat from his forehead.

"here, satoru!" katsumi handed him his water bottle and an orange as he approached.

"thank you." he mumbled, plopping down next to her. he quickly ate the orange and chugged the water, then he laid down, plopping his head in her lap and sighing. she smiled, adjusting her arms so she could read her manga without getting in the boy's way.

"are you tired?" she murmured, using her free hand to play with his hair.

"a little." he replied quietly, shutting his eyes with a small smile. katsumi smiled, twirling a black lock of hair around her finger. it wasn't long after that she could hear furuya's quiet snores.

she put her book down and her smile widened at the sight of furuya in her lap, lips parted for his snores to escape. she hummed softly, holding one of his hands with her free hand.

"hey," she looked up, seeing akina. "can we talk?"

"of course." katsumi replied softly, fearing that she would wake up furuya. "what's up?"

"i'm... i'm thinking about asking haruno out." she mumbled, sitting down next to katsumi. "but i... i don't know." she looked up at the cloudy sky. "i don't even know if she likes me that way-"

"you should." she glanced over at katsumi, who was smirking. "i can tell- tell she likes you just like you like her." akina smiled nervously, looking back up to the sky.

"i feel like she'll say yes if she likes me, right?" the blonde whispered.

"i can't imagine why she wouldn't." katsumi replied, looking down at furuya and running a thumb across his cheek. "i think you two would be great together." akina smiled, sitting up straight and facing her friend.

"so, how are you and furuya?" she asked, smirking at katsumi's pink cheeks and soft smile.

"good, i think." the brunette replied, smiling as furuya mumbled something about pitching in his sleep. "we both seem to- to connect really well." she leaned down, kissing the boy's forehead. his eyebrows scrunched together and his eyes opened, meeting the soft taupe eyes of katsumi. he smiled fondly at the girl, squeezing her hand. "morning, sleepyhead."

"i wasn't asleep for that long." furuya replied, sitting up. "right?" the two girls giggled at him and he blushed.

akina stood, silently waving to the two and signing 'thank you'. as the blonde walked away, furuya wrapped his arms around katsumi and sighed contently. "hey.. you think you could go hangout with haruno or someone for an hour or so?" furuya asked.

"sure, why? is everything okay?" katsumi tried to hide her disappointment, fearing that she did something wrong.

"yes," he leaned forward, kissing her cheek. "just got an idea for a surprise." he smiled, reaching up and grabbing her face in his hand. "so cute..." he murmured, squishing her cheeks. she blushed, pushing his hands away and smiling.

"w- well... i'll be in my dorm." she said, standing with some help from furuya. she slowly walked back to her room, fiddling with the hem of her t-shirt in anticipation. what was furuya planning? why did she have to leave? she sighed softly, trudging into her room and plopping down on her bed.

˚* ੈ✩‧₊

it was nearly dinner when there was a knock at katsumi's door. she opened it, revealing a certain monster pitcher. furuya smiled nervously, grabbing katsumi's hand and pulling her out of the dorm. "hey-!" she gasped in shock as the boy began walking without saying anything. "where are we-"

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