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'looks like he wants to seriously hit..' katsumi thought, furrowing her eyebrows as she stared at shunshin. furuya brought his arm back, launching it forward and releasing the ball. to her surprise, shunshin swung at the ball, just barely missing it.


"nice, furuya!"

"nice pitch!"

katsumi sighed, biting her lip nervously. 'he got the timing down..' a weird aura appeared around shunshin, and furuya pitched his next ball to the upper corner, giving you a ball.

"furuya! even if they get a hit, we're here!" eijun yelled. "we're all sitting in a big ship, so work with all your might!"

"don't say jinxing things, you mud ship!" a second string member yelled at the boy in the bullpen.

"we're behind you!" yuki yelled, hitting his mitt with his fist.

"bash him a good one!" jun yelled. katsumi clapped softly, watching furuya throw his next pitch. shunshin swung forward, hitting the ball to left field.

"katsumi!" jun yelled, running towards her. the girl ran after the ball, speeding across the grass. "don't be reckless! just make sure you get it!" the center fielder yelled.

'i can definitely get it-!' the girl gasped as her knee buckled, and in a moment of desperation, she threw herself forward in an attempt to reach the ball. the ball bounced just inches from her mitt, going behind her.

"idiot! don't do any lucky plays in the first inning!" jun yelled, grabbing the ball. "don't fuck with me!" he threw the ball forward, eyes widening as he saw the second runner tap home plate and shunshin land on second. katsumi cursed mentally, frowning at the ground.

'it happened again..' she clenched her fist tightly.

ryosuke watched the girl with a frown from his position. 'she would have caught that.. she was fast enough to make it.' he thought with a huff. furuya struck the next batter out, and shunshin sighed as he jogged to the dugout.

"okay okay, nice pitching, furuya!"

"you did well stopping them there!"

'i thought my hit would shake them up more... that pitcher is unexpectedly tough-' shunshin was brought out of his thoughts by a soft clapping, looking over to see katsumi smiling at furuya. he furrowed his eyebrows, watching the corners furuya's lips slightly turn upwards, a determined aura surrounding him. shunshin's eyes widened as he realized, 'of course..!'

"it's just the first inning, don't take it to heart."

"we're close to getting those points back!"

"chill! enough with the aura!" the infielders called to furuya, kuramochi getting ready to kick him.

"get over it." tanba held a cup of water up to furuya. "what's important is what comes after getting hit." furuya's eyes widened as he took the cup. "listen! when your pitch gets hit, blame it on miyuki's lead! that's the way to get over it."

"i see..." furuya nodded and katsumi giggled at her brother's sweaty expression. kuramochi walked up to bat, smirking at shunshin. he got ready, smirk widening.

"third base! a safety!" the boy tensed up, bunting towards first base instead. shunshin quickly went after the ball, throwing to first just seconds before kuramochi could get there. ryosuke was up next, usual smirk planted on his face. ryosuke hit ball after ball, eventually ending up with seven fouls. shunshin threw three balls, and ryosuke's smirk grew. at his next ball, ryosuke turned to head to first, only for a strike to be called. the boy looked to the umpire in confusion, frowning.

𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 [𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐬.]Where stories live. Discover now