
344 21 2

bottom of the sixth inning
seidou v. inashiro
1 - 3

one out, runner on second; that was seidou's current defensive situation. harada was the runner, only able to get to second because of a bunt from narumiya. tanba threw a pitch and katsumi frowned as it flew towards kazuya's mitt.

"ball four!"

katsumi huffed softly, leaning back into the bench and bouncing her good knee. she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried, but she couldn't let that show. she smiled weakly, clapping softly for tanba as he winded up his next pitch. the batter hit it straight to ryosuke, who caught it.

"two out, two out!"


"get them one at a time, tanba!"

'thank god for our fielders.' katsumi clicked her fidget cube nervously. the next batter hit the first pitch thrown to him, sending the ball flying in between masuko and kuramochi.

"satoru!" katsumi shot up, watching furuya run for the ball. the boy sprinted forward, scooping the ball up in his mitt and sending it flying to kazuya.

"st- stop!" inashiro's coach on third yelled, stopping harada from going for home as the ball smacked against kazuya's mitt.

katsumi grinned, "nice throw!" she yelled out happily. a chill ran down her spine and she looked over to the inashiro dugout, finding a pair of icy blue eyes digging into her. she scowled and narumiya smirked, giving her a small wave.

"why you..." she muttered under her breath, fiery aura appearing.

"h- hey!" haruichi jumped. "katsumi-chan, calm down-!" the boy was cut off the clanking of a bat and katsumi jerked her head to the field, watching the ball fly to second base. ryosuke tried running for it, face screwed up in pain as he leapt for the ball.

the ball bounced off of the edge of his mitt, flying past him. katsumi gasped softly, grabbing haruichi's arm in anticipation. but then, kuramochi was jumping behind him and catching the ball in his hand, stomping his foot on the base and getting the runner out. katsumi fell back onto the bench with a sigh, shoulders slumping in relief.

she smiled at furuya as he ran back into the dugout and over to her, slumping down on the bench and grabbing her hand. "tired?" she teased, bumping her shoulder against his. he ignored her, falling lightly and leaning his head on top of hers. she giggled, "i- i'll take that as a- a yes." furuya just huffed in reply, dozing off until seidou had to go back on defense, which was unfortunately after only three batters.

"goo- good luck." she hummed. "you- you'll need it- it." she smirked. furuya rolled his eyes, flicking her forehead. she whined, rubbing it and kicking the back of his calf. he chuckled as he walked out of the dugout behind his seniors, who all looked disheartened.

"it's not over yet!!" eijun yelled, making everyone jump. "no no, the match is just beginning!! defend with all you've got-!"

"too close! don't yell in my ear!" kuramochi yelled and ryosuke chopped eijun's head. "damn you, we will definitely take back this game, damn it!" kuramochi dug his knuckle into eijun's head.

"yes, of course! i believe in you!" eijun grinned. katsumi giggled, walking to stand next to eijun and leaning on the fence.

"you- you guys got th- this!" she smiled. "we're still behind you guys!" she held her fist up.

'katsumi-chan..' the third years' eyes widened, their hearts swelling.

'sumi...' kazuya smirked, pulling his mask down. the players all stared at her with wide eyes, before turning and running onto the field.

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