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It's been about two months since that night. Vincent was doing better and was released from the hospital after four weeks and the male who killed his wife and daughters, who was named Jeffery, was sentenced to life in prison without parole. It was found out that he killed many other people and was never seen by any one while killing because he never failed on killing everyone. Except the babies. But, police did have a few finger prints from a knife he accidentally left at a crime scene. Even if fingerprinting wasn't around when you were killed, Sarah at least wore gloves. The female's in the Campbell family were all cremated and kept in separate urns with their names painted on in black paint. You noticed that Joshua and his father became less close and only really interacted with each other when it was time for dinner and when they would sat goodbye to each other when Vincent went to work. You wished they would become closer.

"Hey Joshua, i'm leaving!" Vincent yelled to his son who was upstairs in his room.

"Okay!" Joshua responded.

Vincent nodded to himself and opened the door and closed it, leaving to his work. Joshua sat on his bed with his headphones on his head playing AC/DC. A family sized box of goldfish and a large bottle of water sat on the carpeted floor and a bottle of root beer, which was still cold, rested next to him. Joshua left his TV on that was playing the hobgoblins episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. It was about 5:00 in the morning, not that he cared. He was sort of a night owl, but he was also a morning person. He sleep about nine hours last night, and during the day he took several naps. But, he felt........protected. What you told him that night made him feel protected and safe. He looked at the family photo he had on his wall that was taken last summer. Him and all his family members that he knew were in it. His parents, his sisters, his two grandparents, his three uncles and aunts who were all from his father's side. They went to Disney World that summer. Joshua sighed and decided he would take a shower and call his best friend Ethan. Ethan was a cool guy. They met a couple days after Joshua's family moved in and started to hang out.

"I wonder if Ethan is busy today......"

Joshua got up and went into the bathroom and took a tee-shirt, a pair of shorts and underwear with him. You stayed inside your room, drawing a picture of yourself when you were alive. You heard thunder and a couple minutes later, rain started to fall. The sky was dark because of the black and grey clouds and after about thirty minutes, a thought came to mind.

Why the hell, did I hug him when he wanted a handshake?

You remembered when you were seventeen and met John. His hand was out for a handshake but you - for some reason - hugged him. You cringed at the memory.


You jumped a bit, hearing the loud knocks of Ethan.

"I'm coming!" You heard Joshua yell.


"Oh my God Ethan, I said i'm coming!"

You laughed a little and shook your head, deciding that you would go to sleep even if you didn't need it.


"Mama! Mama!" A ten year old you ran through the forest, tripping over your pastel green dress a couple of times, but you were careful to not harm the object in your hands.

"(Y/N), what do you want?" You mother asked you, not turning around.

"Look Mama, a baby bird. I think they're hurt." You said as you held out a baby woodpecker who seemed to have a broken wing. Your mother looked at you and pushed up her glasses and shook her head.

"Honey, what do you want me to do? I can't do anything to help this defenseless creature."

"I-I-I didn't say anything to you about helping the baby bird."

Your mother crossed her arms and glared at you.

"Well go tell someone else about this bird. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help." And with that, she walked away, probably to find Henry, her favorite child.

You looked at the red, white and black woodpecker and sighed. You were sure that your parents loved your two brothers more than you. You were told by your Aunt Elizabeth that they wanted all sons and when you were born, they thought of giving you away but decided to keep you. You thought that was weird because your Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle James wanted all sons but had only daughters and they loved them more than anything.

"Guess i'll go find Miss Autumn. I bet she'll love to help you." You were quiet for a couple minutes as you walked to Miss Autumn's cottage and then spoke up, "I don't know your gender but i'll name you Jordan."


You awoke to the sound of someone screaming 'SHIT'. It was Ethan. You walked out of your room an saw him getting up at the bottom of the stairs and almost falling.

"You okay, man?" You saw Joshua come into view with a half eaten sandwich in one of his hands. Ethan nodded.

"Yeah dude. I'm good. I just tripped over one of my feet and fell down six steps. I'm okay but I think I sprained one of my ankles."

You rolled your eyes and decided to see what the two were going to do.

"Hey, Josh?" Ethan asked. Joshua looked at him as he stuffed the remaining of his sandwich in his mouth. "Even if she can write notes, you want to use an Ouija board I have in my backpack to contact the ghost that haunts your family?" Joshua almost choked.

"E-excuse me?"

The two of them were silent, looking into each others brown eyes as Joshua kept chewing his sandwich and then swallowing. Then he nodded.

"Okay. Hopefully we don't end end up contacting a demon like the last time I did this." Ethan's eyes widened a little.

"A demon?"

The two teens walked into the living room and sat on the couch where Ethan's navy blue backpack was. Ethan opened it and took out an Ouija board and placed the box on the table. Suddenly, the house phone rang. Joshua answered it.

"Oh, hey dad." Joshua said as he leaned against the wall. Joshua and his father talked for a couple of minutes before Joshua said 'I love you too' and hung up. "Well, my dad's going to be working late tonight and he said that it was okay for us to use the Ouija just as long as we're respectful."

"Alright, cool."

Ethan put the board and planchette on the table and Joshua sat on the right side of the table. It felt kind of nice in the room. It was a bit cold because you were there, it was early in the morning and the sky was grey. You loved mornings like this. It reminded you of when the nights you stayed at your mother's friends place. Miss Autumn. She was more like a mother to you than your actual mother was. You watched the two boys agree to drink some water before doing the Ouija board session and felt a presence behind you. You looked behind yourself and were surprised. A young ghost girl, about eight or nine, maybe ten, holding a teddy bear, standing and looking up at you. She then spoke and did a small wave.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now