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Jane yelled in frustration as she ripped of her mask and tossed in to the bathroom floor. She looked at herself in the mirror. She used to have big, bright sky blue eyes. Now, they looked faded and emotionless, still sky blue, but it just looked different. She ran her now ungloved, hands through her black wig and like her mask, ripped it off and tossed it on the ground. She took of the light fishnet wig cap and threw it in the sink. Jane looked ay herself again.

Sometimes she couldn't believe what she now looked like.

Instead of have the smooth and light skin she had as a teenager, it was slightly darker (well, it looked reddish brown) and everywhere looked like a scar. Jane never really was that fond of Jeff, but she didn't do anything to bully or upset him. She left him alone. But, when he trespassed onto her parents property, killed them, knocked her out and tied her up; then setting her on fire and making her have third degree burns everywhere, she's hated him. It happened so long ago, it seemed, but she knew it wasn't all that long ago then she remembered. Jane breathed in and out, putting one of her hands on her bald head. She wished that she could grow hair, but she couldn't. The fire that ribbed and burned at her skin damaged her scalp, so no hair ever grew there anymore . Jane wanted her dark brown hair back, but knew that it wasn't going to happen.

"Okay." she said to herself. She took the wig cap out of the sink and put it on her head, She then picked up her wig and mask and put the wig on. As Jane looked at the mask, the mask that his her face, making her feel shame of looking like the way she does, she felt angry build up in her again. She strapped the mask onto her face and looked at herself. She nodded and put on her gloves that rested on the sink counter.

She opened up the bathroom door, now feeling pissed that Liu caught her stealing one of his china plates. She walked out and walked down the hall to the staircase and saw Cory.

"Hey." Cory greeted as he waved.

"Uh.........hey." Jane waved back. "What are you doing?" Cory shrugged.

"I'm telling (Y/N) that an old friend is outside. You?"

"I'm probably going to leave to my wife Mary. But, I guess I'll say goodbye to (Y/N) and Liu first. Jane walked with Cory until the two reached the room Joshua was in. Cory opened up the door and saw Liu on the floor, quietly singing, Joshua on his back, looking at the ceiling, Sally and James poking Liu and you holding Noah.

"Hi Jane." Liu said as he looked up at her.

"Hey Liu, I'm taking my leave now and just thought to say bye."

"That's nice." Noah mumbled.

You smiled.

"Bye Jane. It was good to see you."

And soon enough, everyone else was saying bye.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)?"


"There's and old friend outside."

"Um.....okay?" You got up and put Noah down. His eyes quickly opened and looked up at you with an upset face. "It's okay." you said, patting his head. "Joshua will be with you ."

Noah looked at Joshua who was looking up in the ceiling in amusement. He grunted but nodded and lied down on the bed, facing the ceiling like Joshua. You then tuned around and followed Cory and Jane out.


Joshua's house looked perfectly fine. The cigarette that fell on the floor was put out by Raven as she dragged Stacy outside, so what was wrong? Well, Zalgo was the reason. He appeared in the living room in a puff of black and red smoke . He looked around, his bright red eyes scanning the room as his tail swayed and all the mouths on his body opening and closing, making weird noises, seemingly breathing.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now