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Sally sat down on the grass outside with her teddy bear in her arms with you sitting next to her sitting sideways. After Joshua and Ethan stopped playing the Ouija and put the board and candles away, Sally started to follow you around. She was quiet and wanted to ask you something, but she always stopped herself from doing so. You two looked up into the night sky, looking up at the bright moon and stars. Your hair blew slightly from the small wind and you occasionally would wipe the blood from your mouth and wipe in on your dress. Sally stared at you, wondering what the story of how you died was. She knew it was sort of weird to follow someone you don't even know around, but you seemed like you needed some company. Also, where she's from, the only person she really talked to was a woman named Jane, but she doesn't really see her often.

"Uhh-ummm, what's your name again?" Sally asked you.

"(Y/N). Your names Sally, right?" Sally nodded sniffed a little.

"(Y/N), I want to have a tea party, but I don't want to go.....home? Also, no one wants to have a tea party with me. I just want to have a tea party..........with real tea."

You looked at her and was a bit confused. Her home? Other people? Does she live in the woods? These questions floated in your mind for about thirty seconds before you had an idea.

"Sally, I have an idea."

You got up and readjusted your dress and started waking to the house. Sally got up with you and followed. You two walked up the stairs and into your room.

"Let's leave a note for one of the people living here." You said as you took out a piece of paper and crayons.


"Dude! How do you keep beating me?!" Ethan exclaimed as he put one of the Wii controllers on Joshua's bed. Joshua shrugged and took a sip of his water bottle. After the Ouija thing, he decided he would hook up his Wii and play Mario Kart with Ethan. Ethan sucked at it, but he was getting better.

"I don't know man. Iv'e played this for a longer time period than you, so I might be better."

"Whatever...Are you sure your dad is okay with me spending the night?"

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you this, but dad said you can spend the night anytime you want. He's okay with it. We both know you home life, kind of sucks."

"Boys, i'm home!" Vincent yelled, knowing that they were up. He just knew Ethan was there because his backpack was still on the couch.

Joshua and Ethan both yelled 'Okay' and started to play Mario Kart again. Vincent put his purse on the kitchen counter and noticed a piece of paper with messy pink writing on it. He had a confused look on his face as he read it.

I would like to have a tea set and real tea.



Vincent thought that Joshua and Ethan probably wrote the note, so he decided to ask them. You and Sally followed him up the stairs to Joshua's room and you noticed that Sally looked a little uncomfortable when Vincent came home and walked a few steps behind you. When you reached to the top Sally hid behind you and gripped the skirt of your dress a little.

"Sally, are you alright?" you asked. Sally shrugged.

"I don't like to be around older men I don't know." You put a hand in her head.

"It's okay. You don't have to follow me around when i'm around him."

"HoLy CrAp!" You heard Ethan yell with his voice cracking a little. He cleared his throat as Joshua tried to stop himself from laughing. "That's the name of the ghost girl me and Joshua contacted!"

Vincent nodded and told them to not stay up playing games all night and walked out, thinking if he should get a tea set for the other ghost that he knew was with you. Sally gently took one of your hands as you walked to your room. You sat on the couch and Sally sat next to you. You two sat in almost silence as you heard Ethan ragging and yelling in Joshua's room about how he can't beat him in Mario Kart. You gave Sally some paper, a pencil and crayons and switched sides with her so she was drawing on the side table. You tapped your foot and read the 1897 novel Dracula by Bram Stoker as you hummed to yourself. After a couple of minutes, Sally poked your arm to make you look at her.

"I made this for you since you are now my friend!" She smiled as she showed you a drawing of a rainbow with clouds, the sun, a hill and birds. You smiled.

"Thank you."

After a couple of hours, Sally told you that she wanted to sleep and you let her go to sleep on the couch. During those hours, you learned a lot about her. Sally told you that her uncle Johnny did something to her and then killed her. You hugged her when she started to cry, but felt a bit happier when she told you that she killed him.

"Damn bastard deserved it." You said as you walked out of the room to find Vincent walking down the stairs. You looked at a clock in the wall that read 3:32.

Vincent walked out the front door and leaded against in. You decided to give him some water because you remembered that when you were alive, you used to wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth, so you thought that he would need it. You grabbed a clear glass and poured cold water in it and walked back outside. You placed the glass next to him and waited for him to see it. Vincent finally noticed and smiled.

"Thanks (Y/N)." he said before drinking the water.

He wondered if you were the same ghost from the story Ron told him. He thought for a second and said 'Sarah probably did it, who marries their best friends fiance?' You knew he was talking about you, but didn't know how he knew. Bu he was right. Who the hell, in their right mind, would marry their best friend's fiance after they die? And Sarah killed you, so you hated her more than ever when you found out that she was going to marry John. You wanted to show yourself to everyone, but wanted to wait for the right moment. You though that you could probably scare everybody then show yourself.

"Maybe a pink tea set would do." Vincent told himself as he walked back inside. You stayed where you were and sighed.

"Fay, I hope your doing better than me. And Sarah, fuck you."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now