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Y/N: Your name

M/N: Middle name

S/C: Skin color

H/C: Hair color

H/T: Hair type

B/T: Body type

E/C: Eye color


It was January 21st, 1853. It was a cold and windy night in the city. People were out, enjoying their lives and enjoying being by themselves or with family or/and friends. For the higher ups in the city, they enjoyed themselves at a large party at the Bancroft mansion hosted by the parents of three, William and Flora Bancroft. But, unknowingly to almost everyone, one child, who wasn't and child anymore, wasn't there. She was lying dead next to the cemetery, her heartbroken ghost looking down at herself. And that ghost was you. (Y/N) (M/N) Bancroft. You didn't know what to think as you watched your dead body lay there in the slightly frosted green grass, freezing in the cold as your crimson red blood stained the grass and was pooled around you. Your were on your back, your arms spread out, and your (E/C) eyes were still open as your long, messy (H/C) hair was spread out on the ground. The poofy, long sleeved baby blue dress you were wearing had blood stained on the skirt and your stomach and a very deep stab wound were your heart was. The only part of your four inch black heeled boots with black laces that showed was was just the feet.

"Why Sarah, why? Why would would you do this?" You asked to no one.

How did the night begin with me having fun with my fiance and then have me being beaten and brutally murdered after seeing one of my friends killed? You thought to yourself.

After that night, you were found by your younger brother Henry, who could care less about you. Then Fay, your other friend who was killed, was found. A funeral was made for the two of you, your friends being the only people crying and mourning for you two. Sarah, your killer, was never caught, and later married your fiance John. You were pissed, How dare she marry the man you loved! How dare John for loving her! You always told yourself that. After finding out that they had a kid, you decided until the day they died, you would haunt them. Even after moving far away, the family couldn't escape your anger. You never took it out on the kids, but the adults. You loved hurting and scaring them. After the kid was old enough to move out and start a family of his own, you stayed with Sarah and John, haunting them until they died. Then, you found the kid, who's name was Michael, and started haunting his family. You never hurt them though. Michael was a good kid, but you just hated him. You didn't want to, but you just did. He was innocent and did nothing wrong. But little did you know, that over a hundred years later haunting the family for generations, would change after one horrible incident.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now