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Have you ever wondered about ghosts?

About what they are?

About how they're there?

If they actually exist?

If they're the soul of a person or something else?

Well, if you believe them or not, there's one thing you might not have thought about.

If ghosts can feel pain.

It's weird, right?

I mean, ghosts don't actually feel pain, they don't have physical bodies, so how would something with no physical body feel pain?

































"You whore!"

"Tais-toi, imbécile!"

"I don't understand a fucking word your s-" Jeff was cut off by you kicking him the stomach. He groaned, thinking why he was in pain.

Hadn't he just died?


You felt angry and stressed. Even if you had the upper hand of being slightly taller and having Jeff not really fight back (he attempted stabbing you, but the knife just went right through), you felt tired. Tired and angry and just wanting to take a nap.

"So, Jeffery, tell me.............Why do you want to hurt Joshua so much?' you asked, calmly but on the verge of crying.

Jeff didn't speak. He just lied on the ground of the forest floor, wanting to die again.

"How........" he shakily said after getting nudged with your foot.

"How what?"

"How can I........"


"How can I................."



"Just say it!" you boomed, kicking him again.

"HOW CAN I FEEL PAIN??????!!!!!!!!!"

You hummed and took ahold of his jumpsuit collar, placing him on his feet. You walked away, but kept you (E/C) eyes connected with his beautiful yet dangerous and evil ice blue ones that were filled with fear and rage.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now