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"So, this is the place?"

"Yeah, it is. Nice isn't it?"

"Yep. How did you and dad afford to move?"

"Well, we had some help from a few friends. Me and your father know how you and your sisters hated the old place."

"Yeah, I hated it. I had to share my room with Eva. She fucking snores loud as hell. And she fell off the bunk bed countless times so I had to put a mattress where she used to fall so she wouldn't hurt herself anymore."

"Good thing this house has seven rooms then..........well, guess we should unpack our things"

Joshua followed his mother who seemed to be in her late forties to the small moving van that resided next to a bright red Honda and helped her bring boxes inside the large, white family house. You were inside, looking at yourself in one of the bathroom mirrors. Your face had bruises, cuts and a black eye, and never ending blood came out of your mouth. A shaky sigh came out of your mouth and you heard the bathroom door open and saw Joshua's mother come in, her dark brown hair in a high ponytail. You walked through her, giving her chills and walked to the living room where you saw Joshua sitting on the black leather couch with boxes behind the it with a book in his hands. You looked over his shoulder and saw the title of the book on top of one of the pages.

"The Outsider's." You whispered in his ear, making him jump.

Joshua looked behind him but saw nothing. He gulped and blinked a couple of times. He knew that for generations, a ghost haunted his family for some unknown reason and didn't know anything about them but based on their voice, they were female. Joshua put his bookmark in his book - which was halfway finished - and put the book down on the couch. He scratched the back of his neck and stood up and went outside from the front door. You walked towards the back of the house and walked through the walls to the outside. The house was close to the forest and even if you weren't that fond of forests anymore, you still thought they were beautiful. You didn't know how long you were outside, looking at the forest and occasionally seeing an animal like a rabbit, but you guessed that you'd been outside for hours, seeing that it was beginning to get dark.

How did I not notice the sky darkening? You thought as you went inside.

Inside, more boxes were on the floor next and behind the couch, Joshua and his five sisters and both parents sat on the couch eating. A flat screen TV was set up along with an Xbox 1 playing the first movie of the live action Addams Family. Several empty bags sat on the glass coffee table with Styrofoam boxes filled with Chinese food.You decided to sit on the floor next to the couch and watch the movie with the family. Most generations of this family you haunted tried to get an Ouija board and contact you, but not this one. No one tried to contact you. You sometimes wished they would. You were lonely and wished that at least another ghost was with you. Your thoughts drifted from the movie and back to Fay. She was a great friend. You wished you appreciated her more and made more memories with her.

"Mommy, it's cold." Carly, the youngest at age four said.

You got up and decided to walk upstairs and explore the rooms. Six had boxes and mattresses and one was almost empty. The only things in the room were= a light cream colored and brown Victorian couch and a a dark brown side table with a drawer with books stacked on top of it. You walked to the side table and saw a note on a book. In green writing, it read:

For you ghost! This room is for you and you only. I got you books. Well Josh and Beatrix got you books, I only wrote the note. Mom and dad got you the couch and table and Eva got you the pencils and paper. Don't make me and Indigo have sleep paralysis like that demon did in the last house. Please don't.


You rolled your eyes and put the note back on book. You opened the side table and took out one of the pencils and paper and wrote a note for the seven year old. You walked in and out of room and looked in each room, trying to find Allison's, which was the last room on the floor. You put the note on a box and left to go outside and explore the forest.


Allison put her paper plate with food stains in the trash went upstairs to her room to unpack her stuff and to play with her dolls. While she was unpacking, she noticed a piece of paper on one of her boxes. She tilted her head and grabbed it.

Thank you Allison for this note. Please tell your parents and siblings that i'm very grateful for what you all gave me.


Allison's bright blue eyes widened. She got up and ran downstairs where her parents were cleaning up.

"Mamma! Mamma! Look!"

"What is it?"

"Look! I put the letter on the book like Indigo told me to and look! I think the ghost put this in my room! And i think it's name is (Y/N)!"

Darcie, the mother, looked at the note. It's writing was in cursive and was written neatly. After showing her parents, Allison showed her siblings, who thought that was weird. You never wrote anything to anyone and now everyone knew your name and gender.


"Well, that just happened." You said as you watched Joshua and his younger sister Eva try to help up the third youngest; Indigo.

Joshua and Eva were fighting over a shirt Eva liked that she stole from Joshua and poor Indigo. The six year old was in the backyard and when Eva pulled the shirt out of Joshua's hands, she ended up hitting Indigo and making her fall. She ended up only getting a bloody nose from how hard Eva hit her and when her two older siblings tried helping her up, she slapped their hands away and cried harder, making Darcie and her husband Vincent come out to see what was happening. Vincent helped Indigo up and went inside to fix the bloody nose while the two older siblings got scolded by their mother to not steal things and to not fight. It kind of reminded you of how your mother would scold you and your younger brother Jackson not to fight.

The family was only there for about two weeks but it felt like home already. You enjoined seeing these people happy. You wished your parents and siblings cared about you. But when you saw your family talking shit about you at your and Fay's funeral, you instantly grew a passionate hatred for them. You thought of haunting them, but haunting your killer until she died seemed better in your opinion. You could've just haunted both families, but you wanted to see Sarah and John have fear in them all the time.

You chuckled a little, thinking of a memory of Eva and Joshua as you saw them insult each other while going inside. Eva was talking smack about him to her stuffed dragon and being the pissed off thirteen year old Joshua was, he hit her. She hit him back and they fought until their father separated them. Your smile grew winder as you walked inside. You experienced many different personalities from this family but this one was your favorite. It made you think of Fay's family. Fay's family was great, but the night she got murdered, her family was sadly killed in a fire all the way on the other side of the world. You only found that out because of your mother who was gossiping with her friend.

You thought that night Indigo accidentally got hit would be normal, but never thought that what was going to happen that night to ever happen. You thought that you would see everyone grow up into great people and have decent and better lives than you. But no, who ever did what they did was evil and became another person you immediately grew to passionately hate.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now