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Vincent poured the whisky into the small and clear shot glass and sat it in front of a man who thanked him and asked a woman who sat next to him what she wanted. It was weird that these people wanted to drink alcohol this early in the morning. As Vincent got the woman's drink ready, he felt lightheaded but didn't want to show anyone that he felt like this. He put the glass of champagne in front of the woman and then put one of his hands on his forehead.

"Hey man, you doin' good?" Vincent turned his head and saw Don with a worried expression present on his face.

"I don't know. I....I feel lightheaded." Don nodded and patted Vincent on his back.

"How 'bout I cover for you until you feel better?"

"Sure, thanks man."

Vincent walked away from the bar and went to get his purse in the back room where lockers for the employees were. He went and sat at one of the empty tables in the corners of the building. He tried to massage his forehead but it seemed each second the headache became worse. He groaned in pain as his head was pounding and every three seconds, sharp jolts of pain made him fell even worse. He closed his eyes and the pain stopped. He opened his eyes and like Joshua, all the surroundings were gone. But unlike Joshua, he was surrounded by bright red. He was still seated in the chair and as he looked around with fear and confusion. He then held in a yell. Vincent looked at his arm like Joshua did and saw his skin melting away, steam rising as muscle and eventually bone was showing. As he tried to hold in screams of pain, his skin melted and peeled away, the smell of burning flesh drifted into is nostrils. He had tears streaming down his face and looked up. A mirror. He looked in horror as he saw himself burning. His hair burned away and he felt his eyes become incredibly hot. He saw them become red and then pop into a bloody mess.

Vincent gasped as he opened his eyes and lifted his head from the table he was sitting at. He breathed heavily as he tried to comprehend what just happened. He looked around and saw everything was back as it was. He then heard his phone ring inside his purse. He took it out and looked at the name of the person calling. Joshua.


"Hello dad."

Joshua was sitting on the couch watching the first season of Family Guy with a plate of key lime pie on the coffee table. Vincent looked at his son and smiled. He told his boss he felt sick and got to leave work after Joshua told him what happened.

"Hey son. So, how's the bite?"

"Well, it hurts a little but I have a bandage on it." Vincent nodded his head and sat next to his son and watched Family Guy. Joshua gulped a little. He thought of telling his father about what happened at the hospital, but he didn't want to worry him. "Something happened at the hospital."

"What happened?" Joshua's mouth felt dry.

"Well. I think I probably hallucinated something. A worm came out of my hand after slithering in my skin, I saw the face of a demon in a window and I saw surrounded by darkness." Vincent looked surprised.

So my son experienced something similar?

Vincent then told Joshua what happened to him at work, making Joshua freaked out,

"Do you think that a demon is messing with us?" Joshua asked.

"I don't know. Maybe." The two looked at the T.V, not wanting to speak about their experiences. Joshua then broke the silence. Well, almost, the T.V was on.

"What do you think (Y/N) is doing?"


You sat in the grass outside then mansion with your arms crossed. Edward, Alice, James and Sally sat with you in silence. Jane left to go be with her wife after you all came back.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now