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You stood still with your hands by your sides, visible to the entity. The buzzing of the sound of static that hurt your head and the whistling of the wind gave the scene an eerie aura. Yes, your heart wasn't actually beating, but you could almost feel and hear it start to beat, faster and faster every second. The Slender Man looked at you with its featureless face and the buzzing stopped. You blinked a couple of times and rubbed your head. You groaned and glared at the being and started to bend down to pick up Sally's artwork and crayons, but stopped as soon an you heard the Slender Man speak.

"(Y/N), bring Sally to me." The Slender Man had a deep and dark voice and spoke with a calm tone. You grabbed the papers and crayons and got up. You looked at his face.

"Sally doesn't seem to like you very much." you responded backing up.

"No. She doesn't. But I must bring her to the other ghost children. They miss their 'sister'. Now bring her to me." You stopped backing up since you almost tripped over dress.

"Other ghost children?"

"Yes. Many children tend to die in these woods and seem to be attracted to an abandoned mansion. They call it their home. They miss Sally since she's been there longer than most. She's a very optimistic child when you get to know her. At least that's what iv'e been told by one of the older kids."

You began backing up again.

"Well, I don't care that there's a place where the spirits of other children go to, Sally told me that she doesn't want to go with you." You were almost to the wall of the house but the Slender Man talked again.

"Fine. I'll just send one of the older kids to get her. Everyone complaining that they miss Sally to me is getting really annoying. But just so you know, i'll be sending someone you know." and with that, he disappeared into thin air.

You gulped and turned around and walked inside, wondering what he meant by "sending someone you know". You went up to your room and saw Sally sitting on the couch with her teddy bear in her hands. She looked up at you and smiled when you put the papers and crayons on the table.

"So, you know the Slender Man?" you asked as you sat down on the couch. Sally was quiet for a couple of seconds before nodding.

"Yes, I know him. I assume you already know about the mansion?"


"Okay, well, i'm going to tell you about it. My parents moved to the other town a couple years after......I was killed and I liked to explore the forest. I found the mansion and decided that I would live there and check up on my parents from time to time. There was already three kids living in the mansion but they invited me in and told me that I was more than welcome to live there. They also told me to be careful to not talk to the Slender Man because he's not very nice. So, I lived in the mansion and always welcomed new comers." Sally stopped for a moment before talking again. She looked upset. "But a lot of the kids like to make fun of me and pull my hair. It hurts my feelings but the three original kids are still good friends. We're just not that close to each other anymore." Sally laid her head down on your shoulder and you stayed still.

"Sally. The Slender Man said that he was going to have one of the older kids come and get you."

Her eyes widened and she sniffed.

"But......I don't want to go....almost everyone makes fun of me and I feel happier when i'm around you and I know that you won't want to go there because you're still haunting this family." her voice cracked a little. "Besides......I want to go to Heaven and see my parents again. I don't want to be ghost anymore." Sally started to cry and you held her in your arms, letting her sob.

"It's going to be okay....I'll try and help you."


"Hey! That's my toy truck! GIVE IT BACK!" a young boy about the age of six yelled at another boy who looked to be around the age of thirteen.

"Whatever. You've had this for five hours. My turn now."

The mansion the ghost children lived in was abandoned in the late 1700s after an old woman was found killed in the basement. Ever since that night, anyone who was brave enough to venture out in the forest and went into the basement of the mansion would immediately leave and say that they saw the old woman staring at them with dead eyes. The woman liked to sty in the basement but didn't come out. Even if she didn't do anything but sty in the basement, wondering why she was a ghost, she liked the company of the four ghost children who were dead the longest. Edward, James, Alice and Sally. They were kind to her.

"Hello Ms. Ackerman! How are you doing?" Edward, a fifteen year old, asked the old woman with a smile in his face. Ms. Ackerman smiled.

"I'm doing good. You?"

"Good. Um....I have something to tell you. Alice said that the Slender Man told her to go get Sally tomorrow night. I wish she would come back but, I feel like she would be happier not here and somewhere else." Ms. Ackerman nodded.

"Of course she would. All you children deserve to be happier. But most of you need to learn some manners."

Edward nodded and scratched his head.

"Well, i'm going to talk to James now."

Ms. Ackerman looked at Edward float to the ceiling of the basement and leave. She sighed and remembered that Alice told her that there was a forest demon that could help her and others go to Heaven, but no one has been able to find her. She remembered that Alice said she saw her once. Her hair was long and brown, she had droopy elf ears, claws and white eyes. Very interesting.

____________The next day____________

"AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" Alice kicked the girl who pulled her hair and walked off. She went outside and crossed her arms, falling to the ground on her side. "I hate that girl. Always thinking that she's the best......(Y/N) wouldn't ever pull my hair like the cool person she is."

Alice stayed on the ground for a couple of minutes before a voice took her out of her thoughts.


She looked up after hearing the voice and saw a familiar face looking at her with an unimpressed look.

"Oh, hey Toby."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now