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Liu woke up with the warms beams of the sun peaking out from his bedroom window onto his face. He opened up his bright green eyes and immediately closed them again and sat up, getting away from the light that blinded him. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair and sighed. It was hard to fall asleep last night. Well, it's hard to sleep most of the time for him. Liu got up and closed the cream colored curtains and went into his bathroom to take a shower. While showering, he just couldn't get the pictures of you and Fay's dead bodies out of his mind and he didn't know why. When he watched the documentary of you two, he was interested in it and did feel bad for you two. He didn't like killing, but Sully did. After getting dressed, Liu walked downstairs, finding BEN playing his Cuphead game that Liu finished. He green eyed male went to the kitchen and made himself some cereal, thinking about you and Fay's murder. After learning that Sarah later married your fiance, he knew that she did it.

What person would marry their "best friends" damn fiance after their death? He thought as he sat on his couch and ate his cereal while watching BEN play Cuphead and occasionally start to rage when he didn't beat the level.

Liu's thoughts drifted onto Jeff. He knew that one day his brother would eventually get arrested, and he deserved to go there. Liu remembered watching the news about how Jeff kept up a fight and tried fighting the police officers, but he would get either punched or tazed. He remembered watching the trial and almost laughed when he heard Jeff say, and I quote, "A bloody ass ghost woman fucking beat the shit out of me!" Liu shook his head and put his spoon in his mouth, expecting to have cereal but only milk. He looked down at his bowl and saw only milk, so he put the metal spoon and the arm of his couch and chugged the bowl of milk. He got up, went to the kitchen and put his dirty dishes in the clean and spotless sink.

"Hey BEN, i'm going out."


Liu walked out of the cabin and closed the door, feeling the blow of the wind and the inhaled the scent of the forest. He thought it was weird that Sully has been awfully quiet lately and barely took control. But just as he thought that, Sully took control and noticed a male with a backpack walking toward the cabin. He smiled and walked to him. Because he didn't have any weapons, he thought that he would just break the man's neck.


It was a warm day with a slight wind that gave a small coolness to the air. It felt nice and was the perfect day to be outside doing whatever. Sally sat in the backyard of the house and watched Joshua and his friends jump on the large trampoline that didn't have a net around it, so everyone had to be careful. She looked at the area surrounding around her and looked at the wildflowers in the yard. They were everywhere. She looked at the teenagers on the trampoline and smiled. They all seemed so happy.

"Ethan!" Jay yelled as she stood up on the trampoline and pushed Ethan like he did to her.

"Guy's, please don't push each other. I don't want any of us to fall off and hurt ourselves ." Kate said while pushing the long strands of honey brown hair behind one of her ears and out of her face. Jay rolled her sea green eyes and sat down.

"I'm bored of jumping, can we do something else?" She asked as she scratched her head.

"What about truth or dare?" Dave asked, sitting down next to Jay. Lola, Joshua and Ethan all nodded and sat down.

Kate shook her head and told everyone that she was going to go inside and asked Joshua if she could watch T.V in the living room. He told her that it was okay and she went inside with Sally following her, not wanting to see what everyone else was going to do. Kate sat down on the couch and turned the T.V on and went to Netflix. She went the account her and her friends shared whenever they came over to Joshua's house and went to search for an anime to watch. She kept looking at two anime's she used to watch, not knowing which one to pick.

"Black Butler or Ouran High School Host Club?" She asked herself.

Sally tilted her head. Ouran High School Host Club caught her eye the most. She sat next to Kate and whispered the name in her ear, making Kate flinch. Kate knew about you and Sally and thought that it was weird that Joshua's family was so laid back and calm about the two ghosts. She clicked on Ouran High School Host Club and tried not to mind the invisible ghost child sitting next to her, who, understandably, made Kate feel a bit uneasy.


Vincent tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited for the traffic light to turn green. Work was hard that day. He listened to one of the comedy stations on the radio and chucked or laughed whenever something the comedian said something that was funny to him. When the light turned green, the car in front of him stayed there for a couple seconds and the car behind him honked, annoying him and making his eye twitch. The car in front of Vincent finally moved and after a few seconds, he noticed the driver of the car behind him was now next to him. He saw the driver, a young woman, giving him a dirty look and the middle finger.

"W-what did I do?" he said to himself, looking back at the road since he didn't like to keep his eyes off of it, especially since it was night. When he finally reached home, he sighed and turned the car off. He grabbed his purse and opened his door and got out, closing the door. Before he could go to the front door, he noticed a person walking out of the forest who seemed to be in pain.

"Hey! Excuse me?! Do need any help?!" Vincent yelled, catching the attention of the stranger. It was Liu.

Liu looked up at Vincent who was walking towards him with a worried expression on his face and Liu recognized him as the father who lost almost everyone in his family except his only son Joshua due to Jeff. He shook his head and kept his hand on his stab wound.

"No sir, I don't need any help."

Vincent looked at the younger male and thought that it was weird that he had many scars on his face. But he didn't want to make the stranger uncomfortable by looking at them, so he tried helping him up.

"You need help. You're wounded. How'd this happen?" The brown eyed male asked.

"Umm, I got in a fight and the other person stabbed me and then ran away." That was sort of true. Liu - or Sully - tried to break the man in the woods neck, but he pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed him in the side of his stomach.

"What's your name?" Vincent asked as he looked at Liu. Liu, for some reason, seemed surprised,

"It's Liu. Damn this fucking stab would hurts!"

The stab wound was wide and deep but not that deep. He did need stitches for it and was also losing a lot of blood, so Vincent wanted to cover the wound up with some bandages so he wouldn't die from blood loss. He could maybe take him to a hospital if he didn't lose too much blood. Liu let Vincent help walk him to his house since he told him he would patch him up and if he wanted, he would take him to the hospital. By this encounter, Liu thought that Vincent was nice, but didn't want go to the hospital. He thought that he could maybe find Ann, Jack or Dr. Smiley to help him get more blood. He had an idea to where they might've been, but decided in his mind that he would go to the hospital in the morning since he wouldn't find them. And that night, Liu would have an encounter with two certain ghosts that would certainly surprise him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now