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"Okay girls, you have your jackets?" You asked. Sarah and Fay nodded their heads as they took their jackets off of your messy bed and put them on.

You grabbed your black button up jacket and put it on before grabbing a large leather bag. You three walked out of your small cabin that resided right next to the woods. When you were younger, the cabin was a safe place to hide from riots that were happening at the time. The riots resulted in the death of over two hundred people, well, that's what the books say. You knew that there were way more than that. Anyways, you Sarah and Fay walked into the forest, each of you holding a present for one of your other friends. The beginning of the forest looked like a normal forest at first. The trees were all alive, their leaves were all green and the grass and bushes, like the trees, were all alive and green. The light that shone through the woods gave it a calm and humble aura, making it look almost mysterious and welcome. As you and your friends walked further and further, the forest started to look......less welcome.

The sky, for an unknown reason, looked much darker and mist was everywhere. It was extremely cold, so you always had a jacket when you went into the woods. The grass and bushes were all dead, not showing even a little sign of life. They were light brown but if you walked even further they seemed to be black. The trees were all bare and became a bit more skinny while some of them were broken in half. The aura was a lot less welcome and a lot more unsettling. Animals, for sure, didn't go to this part of the woods. But sometimes, you'd hear growls and animal sounds, some sounding more human. Something that wasn't a normal forest animal lived there, but never showed themselves. You've walked in this forest since you were little and weren't really affected by the sounds. But Fay and Sarah walked through this part only two times, and were always freaked out whenever they heard something. Even though they knew you've been walking in this forest for almost all your life, they just didn't know how you could NOT be freaked out by most things that were heard. You sniffed and held you bag tighter. You heard something in the distance screech. You weren't scared. You knew that whatever made that noise wouldn't attack you or anything. It never did. Yes, you sometimes heard something following you, but whenever you reached your destination, it would stop and go away.

"Girls, if you want, you can go ahead of me. I want to put my hair up." Fay and Sarah stopped and turned to look at you. You put the leather bag down and looked in your bag you had on your shoulder.

"You-want us to walk without you? REALLY?!" Sarah exclaimed and she stuck one of her arms out to gesture to the path. "You know we don't know the forest as well as you!"

"I'm not telling you to. I'm saying if you want to. I'm not forcing to go without me." You replied calmly as you felt annoyed, still not finding what you were looking for.

"Sarah, remember there's a big rock next to the path if we just walked a bit further? We could wait at it for (Y/N) if we want to keep going." Fay said as she put a hand on the raven haired female. Sarah rolled her eyes and agreed on continuing walking.

"Dammit! Where is it?" You asked yourself as you kept searching for an item in your bag. "Ah! There it is."

You pulled out an old shoe lace from one of your old boots and out your bag down. You used the shoe lace as a hair tie and nodded at yourself, happy that your hair was now in a high bun. It was a bit messy but you felt okay. You decided to look around the forest to take in its - what you called it - haunting beauty. You thought that this part of the forest was beautiful in a sort of haunting way. In your opinion, it seemed like a good place for vampires and werewolves to live. You spun slowly and stopped. You looked up at something looking down at you. The entity was tall, about twelve feet, and very skinny. Or, as you would call it, a bit slender. It was wearing a nice jet black suit along with shiny black dress shoes and a bright red tie. It was unnaturally pale and bald, but what made you feel creeped out the most was it's face, which didn't exist. It creeped you out that it had no face and you thought that if it did have one, it's eyes would be blank, not showing emotion and it's mouth a frown. You kept looking at the entity, wanting to run away but couldn't. After about thirty minutes of staring at the figures faceless face, you felt a pain in your head as you heard some sort of loud buzzing noise, giving you a headache. You groaned and grabbed you bag, put it on your shoulder and took the leather bag in your hands and ran away, not wanting to be around that.......thing anymore.

You ran away until you reached the rock Sarah was sitting on and Fay was leaning against. They greeted you and you greeted them back. You three walked until you reached a small cabin. Miss Autumn's home. The cabin was painted light grey with a black roof with a garden in front. The garden seemed to be the only thing alive in that part of the forest since they were all different types and different colors of flowers. They gave the forest and cabin a more.....happy vibe. The windows were all blocked by white curtains so that you couldn't see in the house and you and the two other girls walked up the creaking stairs to the cabin. Fay and Sarah wondered if the stairs would break and the three of you would fall. When you reached the front door, you knocked and heard the sound of heels walking towards the door. Fay and Sarah hid behind you. They've been to Miss Autumns house before, but they've never actually seen her. You told them that at first, they would be surprised but eventually warm up to her appearance. The wooden door opened, releasing the smell of red velvet cake, and revealing a beautiful, but interesting looking woman. Miss Autumn smiled and moved out of the way.

"Come in! Come in!" She said as the three of you walked in the cabin. When you went inside, you smelled red velvet cake, witch was Miss Autumn's daughters favorite flavor. "You three must be Sarah and Fay, right?" She asked your two friends. Fay smiled and nodded.

"We brought your daughter presents." Fay said, holding out her present. Sarah did the same, but stood further away from the woman.

"Well thank you! Raven will be so happy!" Miss Autumn took both presents and took them to the kitchen. She put them in one of the empty cupboards and you took the leather bag and went into a room and put it on a bed. You went into the kitchen where Miss Autumn was putting homemade icing on a cake. Sarah and Fay stood in the living room with their jackets off, not knowing what to do. It was quiet for about a minute before Miss Autumn broke the awkward silence.

"Sorry for making you girls feel a bit uncomfortable, but I needed to finish the icing on Raven's cake."

"Oh, that's okay ma'm. Me and Sarah are happy to finally meet you." Fay replied, smiling. The tall woman returning the smile.

"Umm, Miss Autumn, may I please tell you something." You asked. She nodded.

Miss Autumn was a tall woman, about 7'2, and and even with her interesting features, was considered very beautiful. Her skin was a light tan and she had long, straight dark brown hair that reached the back of her knees, but it was up in a low bun. She was wearing a short sleeved black dress up to her ankles and dark brown boots. What made her look so different was her head and hands. Her hands were claw like and when she smiled and showed her teeth, she showed a row of sharp shark like teeth. Her eyes were all white. No pupil. No iris. Just white. Her ears looked like elf ears with shiny, silver hooped earrings.

"What do you want to tell me?" She asked you. You gulped.

"Well, I saw this figure in the woods, It was tall, skinny, pale, bald, wearing a suit and faceless. Then I got a headache after hearing a loud buzzing sound."

Miss Autumn froze in place.

"Oh, is-is that so." She said.

"Yep! It is! I was so creeped out."

Miss Autumn nodded her head as you walked away to talk to your friends to tell them. You sat on the light blue couch and put a hand on your chin and one of your legs on the other. You snapped your fingers and nodded your head, thinking of something.

"I think..............I think i'll nickname it Slender man."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now