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"Ah, that was nice. Good job Raven." Autumn said as she licked the blood off her lips and around her mouth.

The mist like figure nodded.

"You're welcome, mother. Now, do you think I can see (Y/N)?" the figure asked, looking up at the woman. Autumn hummed and then nodded in approval. "YES!" the figure fist bumped the air and seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Autumn smirked and looked back at the now dead Stacy who lied on her side, blood seeping out of her stomach where Autumn took a bite out of.

Another one bites the dust She thought. Heh, quoted a song....


"Wow! That really is a good song!" Liu smiled as the song Magic ended.

"Yep, it is!" Joshua looked at Liu's phone and looked at the next song. My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone. "One more song?"

Liu shrugged.

"Why not?"

Joshua then pressed on the video and the song started.

🎵 They tell me "Keep it simple"

I tell them "Take it slow"

I feed and water an idea so I let it grow

I tell them "Take it easy"

They laugh and tell me "No"

It's cool but I don't see them laughin' at my money, though

They spittin' facts at me

I'm spittin' tracks, catch me

I'm spinning gold out my records, know you can't combat me

They tell me "Jesus walks"

I tell them "Money talks"

Bling got me chill,'cause I'm livin' in an icebox

They tell me I've been sleepin'

I say "I'm wide awake"

Tracks hot and ready so they call me Mister-Easy Bake

They say the grass is greener

I think my grass is dank

Drivin' with a drank on an emoty take to the bank

Do you feel me?

Take a look inside my brain

The people always different

But it always feels the same

That's the real me

Pop the champagne

The haters wanna hurt me

And I'm laughin' at the pain 🎵


"God, he needs to shut up." BEN said as he paused his game. He put the controller down and wanted to float up to Joshua's room and murder Liu for singing so badly (not that BEN's voice was any better). The ghost yelled in frustration and got up, starting to march upstairs, but stopped himself. He looked ay the front door and tilted his head. "Or maybe............"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now