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Liu lied on the couch in the living room with one of Vincent's old turtleneck sweaters on and a tan bandage around his knife wound. He looked up at the ceiling, not really feeling any emotion. He told Vincent that he would go to the hospital in the morning and that he was grateful that he was letting him stay the night.

Sully you asshole, you better not make me fucking kill this poor man in his sleep He thought as he closed his eyes but opened them again.

Liu sat up and fluffed the white pillow a bit and lied back down after he thought the pillow was fluffed enough . He wrapped the blanket that covered himself around his body and shifted to get comfortable. He smiled a little and sighed, happy to not hear BEN scream at the T.V in anger and annoyance, and started to fall asleep. Sally stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked at Liu, who was almost asleep and nodded her head. She looked at you, who was at the top of the stairs and made a hand motion for you to follow her as she started walking towards Liu. You lifted up your dress a little and walked down the stairs. Sally was a couple of inches next to a lightly snoring Liu and looked like she was thinking about something. You walked to her and stood behind her, looking at Liu. You looked at his scars and started to wonder what happened to them. They looked a bit faded, but were still very visible.

"Okay, i'm going to poke him....." Sally told you as she walked a little closer to Liu and reached her slightly shaking pointer finger out. She lightly poked him in the cheek and softly called out his name, but he didn't move. She poked him harder. Still didn't move. Sally glared at him and poked his cheek as hard as she could. That woke him up.

"WHAT THE- Sally?" Liu stared at the eight year old who gave him a small smile and backed up into you, who was invisible to Liu. "Sally, what're you doing here?" He questioned with a confused look on his face.

"This-this is my home now. I know live here." She replied.

"How and why do you live here now?"

"There's another ghost who lives here. She's nice and doesn't make fun of me like Jeff, BEN, Sully and mostly everyone else. Also, the man who lives here gives me food and tea. He's nice. And I like to mess with Joshua and make his stuffed animals 'float'." Liu looked at her and rolled his eyes.

"Do you think Slender knows where you are?" Liu asked. Sally shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, whatever. Just, please let me sleep."

"But can you meet the ghost?" She asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." Liu said as he rubbed his eyes.

"(Y/N), can you please show yourself?" You nodded and became visible to Liu, who's eyes widened.

Liu couldn't believe what he saw. He couldn't believe that the ghost of the woman he saw in a documentary was standing in front of him. He blinked a couple of times and got up. Sally moved out of the way and you looked around with a confused look on your face. You jumped a little when you felt him try to poke your stomach, but his finger just went through you. When Liu's finger went through your stomach, it sent shivers through his spine. It just felt like really cold air.

"Um, hi," you said, backing up. Liu gulped and stayed quiet for a couple of awkward seconds.

"I know you." He replied.

"You do? How?" you asked while tilting your head, thinking that he's heard of your story.

"You're that....woman from the documentary, The Unsolved murder case of (Y/N) Bancroft and Fay Johnson."

You had a look of surprise. There was a documentary about you and Fay? You wondered if it was just a movie documentary or if it had a couple of episodes. You wondered if it showed your dead body for some reason. You wondered if anyone else besides your friends and aunt suspected Sarah.

"There's a documentary about me?" you asked, making Liu flinch a bit since you were quiet for about a minute. He nodded.

"It was Sarah, wasn't it? The one who killed you and Fay?"

"Yes. I-it was." You rubbed your arm and looked away.

"I knew it."

"Oh, and who's Slender?" You asked him after a couple of seconds. Liu pursed his lips and sighed.

"Well, he's this tall faceless.....thing, who wears a suit." You nodded and bit the bottom of your lip and stopped. Yes, you had blood coming out of your mouth, but you didn't want you touch it with your front teeth.

Is he the sane entity I saw when I was fifteen? You thought to yourself as you looked down.


"The fuck was that?" Liu whispered. You just simply shrugged your shoulders and walked to where the crash of what sounded like glass being broken was.

In the kitchen was Sally, who was picking up cookies from the ground that came from a now broken cookie jar. (It was Joshua's and fancy as hell. It was in the shape of a perfume bottle which was pink and see through.) Sally had a plastic plate on the ground and was putting the cookies, which were all intact, on the plate and talking to herself, saying that the cookies were still good and that she could still eat them.


Vincent opened his eyes and got up, rubbing the eye crust from his eyes.

"What was that?" he asked himself as he looked at his closed door, wondering what that crash noise was.

Vincent got up from his bed and walked to his door and opened it. Before he left his room, he looked back at his bed, wishing that Darcie was there. Wishing that his daughters were all asleep in their beds, unharmed. He left his bedroom and slowly and quietly as possible, walked down the hallway and to the stairs. He walked down them, and when he reached the bottom, his mouth opened. He saw you and Sally. Liu was on the couch, trying to sleep. You picked the plate full of cookies and set them on the counter and told Sally that she can only have one. You turned around and saw Vincent with his mouth wide open.

"HI!" Sally said while grabbing a cookie from the plate. You smiled nervously and waved at him. Vincent closed his mouth and blinked a couple of times, seeing if what he saw was actually real.

So that's what you look like He thought.

You looked back and saw Sally grab about ten cookies and run off. You ran after her saying "Sally, I said only one!". Vincent looked at Liu who seemed to be peacefully sleeping and went to grab a broom and dustpan and sweep up Joshua's cookie jar. He was happy Joshua was at a friends house or he would've lost his mind. He had another cookie jar just like the other one, but green.

"Well, my life sure is weird." He told himself as he cleaned up the broken glass.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now