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Joshua winced as a bright light of blue, grey and white invaded his vision. He put his hands on his eyes and groaned, rolling onto his side and quietly cursing to himself. He put on of his hands over both of his eyes and used his other hand to help himself up. When he got up, he backed up until he thought he far away enough to uncover his dark brown orbs. When he put his hand down, his eyes were still closed and when he opened them, he winced again.

What the hell?

When he opened his eyes again, it took a couple of minutes to get used to the unexplained bright light. When he examined the light, he saw that it was..........the......moon?

Why was the moon there.

Now that Joshua thought about it, the moon was unnaturally close. When he looked down to the floor, he saw he was standing on pale white and grey marble. Looking up again, he saw his reflection in the moon. He was wearing a navy blue vest with a white dress shirt and high waisted black trousers with black dress shoes. His dark brown hair was combed neatly and looked silky and shiny. Joshua looked at himself puzzled and touched his hair. It was soft and the nice smell of pine drifted into his nose.

"Why do I look like this?" he asked himself. "Why am I wearing this clothing and why do I smell nice?"

Joshua looked around and saw that he was surrounded by pine trees and snow. He gulped and shivered, finally feeling cold and rubbed his arms. He looked up and saw that snow was starting to fall. Joshua felt a force starting to push him, like imaginary hands wanting him to walk. So he did. He walked straight into what he could only see as a pine forest. He looked around, feeling unnerved but at the same time, calm. As he felt calmness starting to consume him, he herd a female's laugh. Then a man's. Joshua didn't know why, but he walked towards the laughing. When the laughing got louder, he heard the man talk with a French accent.

"Oh Sarah, I'm so glad that woman's dead."

Joshua hid behind a tree and peeked. He saw a tall man with pale skin and long black hair wearing similar clothing as him. The man looked Joshua's way but didn't react and walked to the tree. Joshua gasped but before he could to run or anything else, the man reached up to the tree and ripped a handful of pine needles off.

"John," the woman said, walking to him, "when do you think we should try for a kid?"

Joshua studied the woman. She had sharp features with a strong jawline. Her lips were pink and her nose was starting to look red. Her curly black hair was up in a bun and her green grey eyes had sparkles in them. She wore a deep red dress with a matching coat and she took ahold of John's arm.

"Maybe tonight?" the man chuckled. Joshua gagged.

Oh, that's gross....

Joshua didn't like when people talked about sex around him. It made him uncomfortable. Sarah grunted.

"I do wish I brought my hat." she said, putting her head on John's chest.

John smiled and wrapped his arm around her. He looked at the pine needles in his hand and looked straight at Joshua. The sixteen year old's breath hitched.

"Look," John begun, "a rabbit." The couple walked through Joshua, making his eyes widen. He looked behind to where they were and saw they were looking at a medium sized white rabbit with a pink nose that sometimes twitched. "Not to close. my dove." John put a hand on Sarah's shoulder as she walked to the rabbit. She kneeled down and reached out to the woodland creature with one of her bare hands. The rabbit waddled to her and almost sniffed her hand, but them quickly scampered away.

"Oh." Sarah hummed and got up.

Why am I seeing this? Joshua thought, rubbing his hand together to get warm.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now