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I don't know that much about hospitals, so sorry if this is incorrect and not how hospitals work


Joshua looked down as he walked down the sidewalk to his house. The sky barely showed any light but it was lighter and the almost all the stars were gone. The sixteen year old shakily sighed and wiped the tears from his eyes. As he saw his house come into view, Joshua took on of his hands out of his hoodie pockets and wiped away the blood that trickled down from his nose. He cleared his throat and started to walk faster, wanting to get homes quick. When he got inside, he walked to the bathroom upstairs and took his backpack and hoodie off. He looked at him self, and put a hand on his purple eye. His light skin had cuts and bruises all over and his shaggy dark brown hair was messier than usual. His arms had many purple and blue bruises and like his face, his arms had cuts. Some just making marks and some bleeding. Joshua groaned and opened up the closet door and searched for the first-aid kit. As he put gauze on his wounds, he thought of going to the hospital and then thought of what happened.

He was supposed to stay the night at a friends house but personal things happened to the family and he had to leave. As he walked home, three men jumped him, giving him bruises and a purple eye. The threw him in a bush of thorns, giving him cuts. After the men left, Joshua got out of the bush and started to walk home again. Then a girl who liked him who was in his class walked up to him (after appearing out of nowhere) and started to flit with him and confessed her feelings. When Joshua said he didn't like her back, she got all mad and attacked him. She scratched him arms and bit his arm so hard it broke the skin. This was all before he put his hoodie on. After putting bandages on his wounds, he thought for a second before deciding to go get the bite checked out. He rubbed his arm where the bite was and thought about calling his dad. Vincent and all his coworkers had to go to a meeting very early so Joshua was all alone.

Well, not all alone.

He shook his head, not wanting to worry his father and turned the bathroom light off and went to go to go his room to get changed.


It was 9:32 and Joshua was on the town's bus with his backpack and a wad of cash in one of the pockets. He gulped as the bus came to a stop to where his stop was. He got out with a few other people and went his way to the hospital. Well, more of a hospital for children, but Joshua didn't care. He was technically a kid since he was still a teenager. The building was smaller and shorter than the regular hospital and had little to none cars on the parking lot. Joshua walked in the doors and the smell of hand sanitizer hit his nose like a train, making him cringe. The the hospital he usually went to with his father smelled like hand sanitizer, but even then it wasn't this strong. Joshua tried not to breathe in through his nose as he walked to the only empty counter with a woman behind it. The woman behind the counter had sunflower blonde hair in a messy pony tail and had a light tan. She looked up at him and Joshua noticed that she had dark eyebrows and amber eyes.

"How may I help you?" she asked, her soft voice reminding Joshua of his mother.

"Um, i'm here to....uh.....sorry, to make an appointment for a bite I have on my arm."

The woman nodded and asked Joshua some questions and handing him a piece of paper with a see through clipboard and and a ball pen with a fluffy blue ball at the end. He walked to one of the empty chairs and sat down in it. Joshua thought that it was weird that he didn't have to have his dad to come with him to the hospital like in their old town where minors had to have a parent or guardian with him. But this pace seemed to not care that he didn't have anyone with him. This town sure was weird, to him at least. The waiting room was a medium sized room with the walls and ceiling painted white with wall decals of kid movie characters on them. Like characters from Toy Story or Mickey Mouse.There was a couple of multicolored tables with chairs with books and toys on them and there was a corner with crayons and coloring books. After Joshua handed the clipboard with the paper and pen to the woman, who's name was Tessa, Joshua sat down on a chair and tapped his feet to the song that was playing on the T.V.

"Claire?" an old woman's voice called out into the room. A girl who looked to be about 12-14 and a man who looked like her got up and followed the old woman out the door to one of the hospital hallways.

Joshua stayed seated as he heard people's names being called and people coming in and out of the building. He squinted at his left hand when he thought he saw something. Then, his heart dropped as he saw his skin move, like something was moving in it. It looked like a long and thick worm slithering under his skin. Joshua's dark brown eyes widened as he saw the "worm" slither yo down and up his arm to his wrist and to his hand. He looked around him and saw only black. No one and nothing was there besides him and the soft grey chair he was sitting on. Joshua closed his eyes as he felt pain in his palm and saw the skin break. The worm was coming out. He held in a scream as the pain worsened and felt like throwing up as he saw the worm come out from his hand, It was all bloody and slithered down his arm. He felt like crying and his head was spinning.


His eyes opened and he saw he was back in the waiting room. The old woman looked at him and he quickly got up and looked at his hand. Nothing was there. No worm. Not blood. No pain. It was normal. He frowned and wiped the tears starting to form and followed the old woman to through the hallway. He got his height measured and got his vision tested. Then, she took him to a room and told him that she wold be back. Joshua sat on the bed in the room and started to sweat. What the actual hell just happened? What was up with that worm? That black place? Maybe hallucinations made by his mind? He shook his head and looked out the window. But, jumped and felt his heart beat fast. A face of a fucking demon was there, staring at him with big, red eyes. He gulped and slowly looked back but saw nothing there. He sighed in relief and looked around the room. It smelled like the rest of the building but not as strong and Joshua could smell the faint scent of coffee. He smiled, feeling a little better, remembering that his mother loved to have her coffee black with nothing in it and his father loves coffee that tastes like vanilla.

"Okay, i'm back!"

The old woman walked in the room with a machine and took a white clip and put it on Joshua's right pointer finger and put something (I do not know what it's called) on his upper left arm that got tighter and tighter every second. After it was taken off he was asked a couple of other questions and the old woman told him the doctor was going to be in soon and left. Joshua didn't want to look anywhere, afraid that something was going to be there. After thirty seconds, the door opened. Joshua looked up, expecting the doctor to walk in, but nothing was there. He slowly got up from the bed and closed the door. He went to the bed again and hummed a little, feeling like he wasn't alone in the room. The door opened again and a black woman with curly black hair in a pony tail walked in. She wore a dark blue blazer with matching pants that flared at the bottom and cherry red heels.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Palmer. What are you here for today?"

"I'm here for a bite on my arm." he answered, showing Dr. Palmer the bite. It was cleaned from the blood but still had a little bit of dried blood. Dr. Palmer nodded.

"Okay, and how did you get this?"

"Well, I was walking home from a friends house and a classmate of mine walked up to me. We talked and she got mad and bit me. I just want to know if I have to do anything for the bite and to not make sure it gets infected. She also gave me theses scratches but i'm just here for the bite."

The doctor nodded and started to talk to Joshua about what to do with the bite. Joshua listened, but it was hard since he felt sad and upset for no reason, but he had a feeling that whatever was in the room with him and the doctor was making him feel this way.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now