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Jack put the body of Vincent in a body bag, his body being wrapped up in a thin but durable cloth. Vincent, even if he was covered by cloth, was dressed nicely. He was now wearing a black sweater and blue jeans with hiking boots, the clothing belonging to a man who used to live in the cabin, years ago. The demon zipped the bag up as his tail swayed and an ear sometimes twitching. He was, at the time, hungry and wanted to get the body to Liu's as fast as possible (he wanted to get his hunger out of the way, but decided to wait, he knew Ann would beat his ass if he tried eating a part of the man's body). Ann stood next to Jack and watched as he picked up the bag and the two looked at each other and nodded.

"So," Jack begun as he opened the front door, "what do you think of (Y/N)?"

"Hmmm? (Y/N)? That ghost girl?"

"Yeah, her."

"I don't know. I barely know her."

"Think she's cute?"

"I-uh, a little."

Jack and Ann didn't say anything else to each other as they walked through the forest until they reached Liu's cabin. The walk wasn't as long as they it felt, but because things were kind of awkward, it felt like forever. Finally, they reached their destination. Outside the cabin there were three people. You, a woman they haven't seen before and Jeff's ghost pouting.

"What should-"

"You go tell him we have Vincent's body and I'll stay out here."

"Oh, alright."

Jack gave Ann the body and went to go tell Joshua about his father. Ann held Vincent and walked towards you. As she walked, Raven noticed.

"Hi." Raven said, waving her hand a little.

"Uhhh, hi." Ann set the body gently on the ground and sat next to it.

"How are you doing?" you asked, Raven hanging off one of your arms.

"I'm good, I'm good. Just sent Jack in to tell Joshua that his father's body is here." You nodded and Raven held onto your arm tighter, making you blush only a little. "How are you?" Ann asked you your question.

"I'm good also. This is Raven, she's a childhood friend who I haven't seen in years." you chuckled a little at the end and Ann smiled, taking her face mask down so it hung from her neck.

"I bet your happy. Wish I was happier. I might leave back to the abandoned hospital."

"The hospital close to the graveyard?" Raven tilted her head a little.

"Yeah, that one. I live there with my, uh, friendamy, I guess you could say, Dr. Smiley."

"Dr. Smiley?" you looked at her with confusion, "Is that a last name."

"I-I actually don't know. He never told me his real name. He just likes to be called Smiley for....whatever reason."

"Oh, okay."

"What do you two do?" Raven asked.

"Well, I kill the guilty like predators while on the other hand, Smiley kills whoever needs medical assistance. He usually just picks them up from the streets." Ann was so casual about it.

Raven rolled her eyes (even of you couldn't see it because, well, her eyes were all white) and adjusted herself and put unlatched her arms from yours; she then put an elbow on your head since she was bigger than you. She frowned and then closed her eyes.

A familiar presence was near.

Inside, Jack was going up the stairs to Joshua's room. BEN was on the couch with his arms crossed while the rest of the ghost children/teenagers watched Cory play Cuphead. Liu was in the kitchen making a stew. Clearly they were kicked out. Maybe. Jack walked quickly but quietly and reached the room Joshua was in. He knocked three times.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now