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It was dark out and stars were appearing in the night sky. People were getting ready for bed while others were going out. The two brothers stared at each other, neither of them saying anything. They both looked at each other with hatred and waited for the other to make a move.

"So, you escaped?" Liu finally broke the tension. Jeff chuckled and took a step forward.

"Yeah, bro. You impressed?"

Liu was silent for a second, glaring at his elder brother.

"Unfortunately, yes. I hate how much I want to know how you did it."

Jeff again chuckled but it then turned into a sinister laugh.

"Well, of course you'd be impressed. Me and a few others were only the only ones to escape, and I doubt that you would ever be smart enough to escape." Jeff replied as he twirled his knife around in his hand. Liu's eye twitched and he reached for the gun in his back pocket. Jeff noticed and walked to his sibling. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jeff pointed his knife at Liu, who gripped the gun in his hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Liu repeated. Jeff growled and jumped at the green eyed man. Liu quickly moved out of the way and pointed his gun at him. "Jeff. I will shoot you. So get-"

"HAH! I don't give a shit! I only escaped to kill those two.......um....." Jeff struggled with his words. "Those two......I'll come up with something later. But anyways, I'm only here to kill that kid."


"Bingo. I'll already killed the old man, so that teen is next. Now get the hell out of my way."

"No. I don't care that you want to kill whoever made you go to that hell-hole, I'm not letting you kill anyone else."

The two were silent. It was uncomfortable and the tension in the freezing air was thick.

"You know, Liu," Jeff spoke up, "you also kill people. Oh wait. That's Sully. Or is it you?"

"It-it's Sully. The only way I can control him is to have him kill others once in a while."

"Are you for real?!" Jeff cackled. He started laughing like a maniac. "The only way you can control Sully," he was wheezing, " is by letting him kill people once in a while?!" Jeff slapped one of his knees and fell to the ground. Liu looked at him with an angry expression and shit Jeff in the stomach.

"It's not funny." Liu shot him a couple more times. Jeff screamed in pain and his brother kicked him a few times.

Unbeknownst to them, a certain brown haired man was watching with a smile on his pale face.


Noah was cuddled up next to you as you all watched BEN play Cuphead by himself. Corey, Edward and Alice were all outside. talking about life and James and Sally were eating candy on the the floor. Joshua was in his room sleeping with the T.V on since he didn't like sleeping without background noise.. You looked blankly at the T.V with Cuphead and looked at Noah.

"Noah, I'm going outside for a little."

"What? Please don't leave me." he replied as tears started forming.

"I'm not leaving you. I just want to see how the rest are doing. I'll be back."

Noah looked at you and looked down sadly. You patted his head and got up and walked outside.

"Hey (Y/N)." Alice said.

"Alice." you nodded your head and started walking.

"Where're you going?" Edward asked, looking at you with confusion.

"I don't know."

"But (Y/N)," Alice begun, "what if you get hurt? Jeff is out there."

"Alice, we're ghosts." Edward replied.

"Oh. Yeah."

"It's fine to worry about me, Alice." you smiled at her. "But we are ghosts. There's no way Jeff will be able to touch me. He can't touch me, but I can touch him."

"Okay. Just be careful anyways." Alice hugged you and you hugged her back.

You then walked in the forest, searching for Jeff or maybe the corpses of Ethan and Vincent. You looked for some time until you found him, Vincent's bloody corpse, laying on the ground. His eyes were opens and he had stab wounds on his stomach. But, it was his mouth that caught you off guard. It had two slits on both sides, making it look like he was smiling. You put a hand over your mouth and fell to your knees. After about ten minutes, you then got up and looked to the side as you heard sniffling. Something or someone was near a bush. When you walked over to the bush, you were again, caught off guard. Ethan's body was like Vincent's but it looked more violent. He had many stab wounds on his stomach, chest and his neck was slit. He also, like Vincent, had two slits on his face.

Your eyes looked away from the body over at................Ethan.

"Ethan?" you tilted your head.

"Shit!" Ethan's ghost jumped and he quickly looked at you. "Oh. You're (Y/N), right?"


Ethan looked down an put his head in his knees.

"I'm a shitty friend."

"Ethan....why would you say that?" You floated over to him and next to him, looking at him with pity.

"I'm a shitty friend because I pressured Joshua to do something he didn't want to, and now he's hurt! Then I just went into the forest and got myself killed, resulting in the only family member Joshua had left to also get killed while looking for me!" You looked him with wide eyes. Ethan never raised his voice like that. "I'm-I'm sorry. I'm just sad. And angry Especially at myself."

"It's fine." you put a hand on his shoulder. "I felt sad and angry when this happened to me to."

"But, have you ever felt made a bad decision that it resulted into getting someone hurt. No, not hurt, killed!?" Ethan looked up at you.

You thought for a second, then looked away, putting one leg out and your knee up. For a couple of seconds you were quiet. Ethan looked at you as he waited for your answered. Finally. you spoke, tears forming in your (E/C) eyes.



"Fuck, damn it Liu, why'd you have to do me like that?" Jeff asked, getting up but falling back down. Liu watched in amusement as he watched Jeff try to stop the bleeding.

"Because your an annoying, selfish, sadistic, and dangerous killer. You deserve to rot in prison." Liu looked at his older brother. "But I guess I deserve prison time, too."

"But, I've always been a bit dangerous, haven't I?"

Liu and Jeff looked at each other.

Ever since Jeff got hit by a car in fourth grade, he was quieter. Meaner. Mean to his parents and his younger brother. Liu still loved him though. But their relationship quickly ended after the incident that happened after the birthday party.

"Hey guys."

The two looked up and saw Toby walking towards them with a smile.

"Toby." Liu nodded.

"Why are you here?!" Jeff yelled, coughing up blood.

"I don't know." Toby shrugged and put his gloved hands in his pockets. "Want some help?" he offered, looking at Liu.

"I think I can do this on my-"

"Hello boys." A feminine voice interrupted.

The three looked behind Liu and saw Jane, blood splatters on her black dress.

"Oh great." Jeff grumbled. "The queen of bitches is here."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now