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"Oh shut up Jeff." Jane adjusted her black wig and walked to the three males. "Anyways, Mary informed me that Jeff escaped and we were both in town, so we decided to come into the forest since we both had a gut feeling this pale bastard was here."

"Fuck you Jane." Jeff said in a pissed off tone. Jane groaned and walked up tp him, kicking him in the ribs.

"Wow. Can't believe you're not dead yet. You look like shit."

"Shut up bitch."

"You shut up."

Jane kicked him again and Jeff groaned in pain.

"Why?'" he whispered.

"Really Jeff?" Liu looked at him with a really? face. He then looked at Jane. "Would you like to-"

"Kill Jeff?" Liu nodded and stepped back. Jane gripped her knife (which was in her gloved hand) and with her foot, rolled Jeff on his back; she kneeled on one foot. Jeff looked at her masked face and gathered saliva and blood in his mouth and spit at it. Jane scoffed, wanting to gag, and raised her knife. "Burn in hell." was all she said before stabbing her knife into Jeff's chest. Right in his heart. He gasped, taking his last breath. His body became limp. Jane got up and wiped the bloody saliva off her mask, "I hope Joshua's okay."


Ethan looked at you with surprise and sadness.

You just told him the story of when you were thirteen and pressured you friend Jess into the forest at night, how you two were being chased by wolves and how they mangled her body; her face was a bloody mess and she had scratch and bite marks everywhere; her right leg and left arm were ripped off. You hit and pushed the wolves, trying to save her, but when they all ran away, it was too late.

"So, you did something similar."

"Yes, and I regret wanting her to explore the forest with me. If I didn't pressure her to come with me, she wouldn't have died."

"I'm sorry." Ethan said. You two sat in silence, listening to the crickets and animals in the forest. Ethan spoke up. "Do you think Joshua will ever forgive me for bringing him into this mess?"

You looked at him.

"I don't know."

"Well, if he doesn't forgive me, I just want him to know how sorry I am for being the reason he's hurt."

Ethan got up and put his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"Leaving?" you got up after him.

"Yep. I'm going back. But I'm bringing Mr. Campbell's body. Hopefully that demon guy - Jack I think - will clean his body and he can get a proper burial." He walked over to his body and pat his corpse's cheek. "I'm leaving my body here."

He walked over to Vincent's body and attempted to pick it up. But his body was heavy.

"Do you want me to carry him?" you asked, your arms crossed.

"......Yes please."

You went to the two and picked up Vincent's body, groaning a bit. Ethan nodded at you and you two walked to Jack's cabin, hoping that he would agree to clean Vincent's corpse.


Zalgo hummed as he tapped his fingers on a tree branch. He was floating a couple feet off the ground and watched as you and Ethan walked to Jack's cabin. Birds would sometimes perch on his horns and he would swat them away with his human like claws.

"You know Zalgo," a soft female voice began, "she'll never join you."

Zalgo growled and looked behind him.

"Shut it, Autumn. You don't know that." he snapped, floating away from the trees and starting to follow you.

Autumn hummed. and walked along with him. You felt like someone was following and watching you, but didn't look anywhere but straight. Zalgo watched quietly and looked at Ethan.

"Don't even think about it." Autumn said, smacking Zalgo's head.


"I know what you're thinking. You want to recruit that purple haired teenager along with (Y/N). But I won't let you."

"Can you just shut up, woman?"

Autumn crossed her arms, the sleeves of her forest green dress falling very slightly off her shoulders. She then looked back at you.

How could she let that happen?

How could she let Sarah kill you?

She knew that Sarah and John were planning something.

So why didn't she warn you?

Autumn was taken out of her thoughts when she heard Ethan's voice.

"Hey (Y/N)? Do you think we're being followed? I feel like we're being followed."

You looked around but didn't see anything. You felt like you were being followed and gulped. You two were ghost's, so if you were being followed by a demon, that wouldn't be good.

"We're almost there, let's just try not to think about.........whatever is out there." Ethan nodded.

Zalgo creepily chuckled and Autumn pulled on his hair. He held in a scream and grabbed onto her wrist.

"What the hell?" he looked at her with hatred and Autumn scoffed.

"You need to remember, this is my forest. I could kick you out and bring you back to the hell you came form. So don't try anything and don't try to hurt anyone here unless it's for food."

"What about Richard? He's been killing kids for so long and you-"

"I didn't know that." Autumn hissed, harshly grabbing Zalgo's hand that held her wrist and making him let her go. She grabbed his collar and pulled him down to her. "I don't know where he is, I can't find him. But if I do find him, I'm definitely kicking him out, alright? Tell me if you know where he's hiding. If I knew he was killing kids again I would've killed him as soon as I heard that."

Zalgo was quiet.

"Fine." he finally said. "I won't do anything with Ethan. But I'm still going to try to get (Y/N) to join me. I won't pressure her and I won't force her, okay? If she says no when I ask her again, I'll leave her alone." Autumn looked into his red eyes with her pure white ones and let go of his collar. Zalgo cleared his throat. "Well, I guess I'll be taking my leave now."

Without saying anything else, he disappeared into a puff of black and bright red smoke. Autumn groaned angrily and started walking again, wanting to make sure that you and Ethan were okay. When she finally caught up with you two, you were already at Jack's cabin. She tilted her head and looked between trees as the front door opened. You and Jack talked for a minute and he let you two inside. Before he went inside, Jack looked to where Autumn was. They looked at each other, her eyes looking into his empty eye sockets, tar dripping out. He gulped, knowing exactly who she was and quickly went back in his home, slamming the door behind him.

Autumn chuckled and started to walk back to where she was; her home behind a waterfall. But, she heard a voice.

"Are you sure Jack will be happy with us?"

"Of course Liu, Jeff was dangerous. Plus, Jane got rid of him, so good for her."

"I guess you're right. But do you think it was a good idea to let her go to my home? What if she steals another China plate?"

Autumn looked as two men walked to the cabin, talking to each other. She shrugged her shoulders and paid no attention to them as she turned into a deer and scampered away.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now