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"Hmm hmm hmm, hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm." You hummed.

You were seventeen and were with Fay and Sarah in the forest, just hanging out like friends do. All three of you were from rich and powerful families and met while learning to dance as kids. Sarah had limestone skin, long, curly black hair that was in a bun and brown and green eyes. She wore a short sleeved jade green dress that went up to her ankles and dark brown flats. She was smiling while a sketching a picture of a tree that was next to a stream. Fay was sitting under a different tree with a book in her hands, her grey eyes occasionally looking up to looking up at Sarah drawing. Her pale ivory skin glowed in the light while her wavy reddish blonde hair that was down shined. She was wearing a new dress her parents got her for her birthday along with new shoes. The dress was a bit longer sleeved a little shorter than Sarah's and was light purple. Her heels were the same color as her dress with a bow that was a darker shade of purple that matched the headband she was wearing. You were sitting next to Sarah looking at the stream and thinking about your future while humming. Your dress was long sleeved, a little poofy and covered your feet. It was black as well as your boots, simple choker and black laced finger less gloves. Your (H/T) (H/C) hair was in a low bun and a black sun hat with light pink flowers was planted in your head.

"Hey Sarah? (Y/N)?" Fay looked at the two of you who looked back at her.

"Yes Fay?" You replied.

"Are we all going to be friends? We don't really hang out a lot and i'm always at home. Are you two sure that you want me as a friend. I mean, i'm pretty introverted and not many people like me because of what happened with Archie."

"Oh Fay, of course we're sure. We don't care that you're introverted and it's okay that we don't hang out a lot. We'll cherish the moments we have together even if we don't have a lot. Also, we don't care about that incident with Archie. Right (Y/N)?" Sarah said and looked at you. You nodded.

"Yeah! What she said!" You smiled at Fay and adjusted the way you were sitting, looking at the grey eyed female.

Fay smiled, showing her dimples and white teeth with a large gap in the middle. The three of you stayed outside until sunset, sometimes talking about something. Sarah finished her drawing and both you and Fay were impressed since she was self taught. When you got home, it was the usual. You had dinner with your family and went to your room, but this time while eating they told you about the perfect man for you named John who was about a year older than you who came from a richer family.


You sat down on on the couch with one of your legs on the other with a book in your hands with the light in your room on. It was David Copperfield by Charles Dickens; the same book Fay was reading in your memory. It was late at night and everyone but one kid was awake. You though that everybody was asleep but knew about the one that was awake when your door was slowly opened. You put a ripped piece of paper in your book and put it on the couch. As the child came in the room, you put your hands in your lap and sat up straight. The child was Allison. She was wearing a long sleeved teal shirt with a white smiling unicorn with a rainbow mane and tail on it and white pants that seemed to be a bit longer than her legs. Her short dark brown hair was messy because she was trying to fall asleep but couldn't even with cartoon playing on a small TV in her room that usually helped her sleep. She looked at the couch and saw the book while shivering because of how cold the room was. She gulped.

"Umm, (Y/N)? I can't go to sleep. Can you please get me a cup of water? I know you're in here. Please? I'll be in my room."

Allison sniffed and walked away to her room. You got up and walked to the kitchen and took a light orange mug with red polka dots all over it and poured some water that was in a gallon in the fridge. You put the gallon of water back in the fridge and took the mug to Allison's room. She was looking for a movie on the Xbox in her room on Netflix.

Must be Allison's turn with the Xbox tonight. You thought

You put the mug of water on the floor next to her feet and made sure it didn't make any noise. You waked out of the room and went to yours so you would continue the book you were reading. While you were reading, you thought of someone who Allison reminded you of. Her name was was Alice. She reminded you of Allison because not only was her name similar, her actions were also alike. The last time you saw Alice was when you were twelve. You were sad because she was sweet and you never got to know what happened to her until you turned twenty. You two were almost inseparable and like sisters and loved hanging out inside the mansion or outside with Sarah and Fay and play games like tag or hopscotch.

"*SIGH* I guess i'll go outside. Iv'e been inhere for a couple of hours and I would like to see the moon. Heard it's full tonight." You said.

You put your book down on the side table and walked out of the room after shutting the light off and then closed the door. You then walked outside and looked at the sky. It was filled with stars and the pale full moon illuminated the dark but yet bright sky. You then thought of Indigo. You knew she was alright but Eva did hit her pretty hard. But you knew it was an accident so you weren't mad. You then had the thought of walking through the forest. You walked into the pine tree filled land and smiled. You felt like your love of forests would grow a little more if you spent more time in it, so that's what you were going to do. You wanted to love forest's again even if it brought back those horrible final moments of being alive and seeing Sarah's face that you now fucking hated. But your mid drifted away from Sarah as the delightful smell of the pine trees went into your nose. You smiled and closed you (E/C) eyes breathing in the sent of the forest.

"It's such a beautiful night...."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now