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Black. All you could see was black. Nothing else was visible except for the total darkness and yourself. You felt scared. Were you dreaming? But you didn't remember going to sleep. On instinct, you tried to wipe the blood from your nose and mouth, but felt nothing. You were sure you felt something on your face. You looked at your hands, confused since they were were no longer dirty and bloody. They were.......normal.......and clean. You looked in front of yourself, looking at yourself in a mirror that appeared out of nowhere. The mirror was tall and oval shaped, its frame being silver with flower and vines. You tilted your head. Your long, (H/C) hair was up in an elaborate up-do, clean and fresh looking with a shine. Your dress was clean of blood and dirt, looking the way it did before you and Fay were killed. And you had your black gloves on. Your (E/C) eyes didn't have that sad and dead look, they looked warm and happy, like they always did when you were young.


Why do I look like this? Why am I seeing what I looked like before I was killed? What's even the point of seeing this? Questions ran through your mind. But, you enjoyed seeing yourself like this. You missed being alive, being able to have someone touch you without going through you, being able to feel your heartbeat and warm skin. You missed it all. But as ghost, you were freezing cold and hated knowing that you would never feel your heartbeat again. You always thought that you would grow old with John and have kids, and then die peacefully in your sleep. You always thought that you would become an angel in heaven, looking over your alive family members and become a guardian of some kind. You sighed heavily and put a hand over your heart. Your beating heart. You froze.

"My heart's.....beating? How?"

You blinked and looked at the mirror. You felt so alive, so warm and calm, you didn't know what to think. You've been dead and a ghost for so long, you never would have though you would see yourself like this again. Then, the mirror started to crack. You backed up as it kept cracking. The noise was loud, too loud for the sound of cracking glass. You continued backing up until it finally broke. The sound was so loud that you had to put your hands over your ears for the noise to not give you a headache and closed your eyes. You opened them after a couple of seconds and looked at the fallen mirror and the broken fragments of glass on the pitch black 'floor'. You walked to the mirror, stepping on the glass without a care and picked up the mirror. On the front was two words in red, Sarah and John. The names were crossed out with what you thought was fresh black paint based on the strong smell that dripped down. You were confused and put the mirror down, thinking about what the names on the mirror meant. Suddenly, the room became hot. Really hot. You saw a large cloud of bright red and black smoke and your eyes widened. You backed up and tripped over your dress and ended up falling down of your butt. You got up and studied the figure who looked down on you with glowing red eyes and an unnaturally large smile, its lizard like tail swaying side to side.

The figure resembled a demon with it having several large horns on the side of its and, well, it just looked like a demon and had the creepy and disturbing aura of one. It was tall, even taller than the Slender Man you saw so many years ago and looked even more terrifying. His skin was all black with his horns having a bright red tip. His mouth was wide and all his sharp teeth were a glowing bright red. You could see his rib cage very clearly and he seemed to have backwards knees with feet looking kind of like claws. The demon had a large smiling mouth with the same glowing red teeth from his other mouth on his face on his stomach, on both of his upper arms and upper legs. You saw an image flash through your mind. It was this demon. The demon chuckled, and in a deep and distorted voice, spoke to you, sending shivers down your spine and making you shiver.

(̶̟̳̺̲͑̋͐̌͝Y̶͕͍̟͚͇̦̫̮̾̔̀̓͌̌͜͝/̴̡̞̜̼̩͂̈̽N̵̗͍̼̩͎̯͂)̸̨̖̋͋̈́́͝ ̵͓̫̝͚͍̺̳̓̔̒̌̐͊́̔͘͜B̴̡̞̭͙̖̟̠͚̃̉͑͠͠a̶̡͍̞̪̺̫̘̼̳̓̌̿͂͗͘n̶̻͖̍c̵̡͉̟̫̬͂̏̀r̵̞͛̑̆̆̋̊̅͝ͅò̷̝̣̞̦̹̰̈͌͛̅f̶̢̭̜͕̱̞̼̭̗̉̓̂͂̌̀̓͆͘t̷̨̰͚̠̪͚̲̅,̸̢̥̖͚̱̤͎̲̆̀̽̋ ̷̥̇͝Ỉ̶͍͙̬̣̝̟̬̇̿̓͌̉ ̶̙̗͍̱̒͆̾̾̏͠r̸̡̧̡͎̣̞̞͒̾̑e̶̡̮̿̎͑̋ḿ̵̗͚̬̗͓͓̈́͌͜͝ḗ̴͚̅͌m̵̧̯͔̠̺̠̭̗̀̍̀̽͌̾̉̈͝b̷̬̱̳͈͈̀͛́̋̾̀͝e̷̗̮̼͓̲̭̬͊̑͛r̶̩̖̦̆̅ ̴̨̙̥̑͑͘͜y̵̺̪̆͛̈́́͐̚̕͘͠ơ̵͍̓̋́̋̇͘͘u̴̪̝͗̍̆̂͐͂͘͘,̷̢̧̮̱͍͓̠̖̈͑ ̴̹̬̏̋̀̐̊̀ͅb̶̭͓͈̫͗̉̐ȗ̶̧̢͍͎͎̰̹̲̀͛̋͜ţ̸͖͈͎͔͚̘̖̫̓̆̓̽̄̃ ̴̨̢̰̄̍̈̎̀̓̑͘͠d̵͓̳͎͈̠͔̠͙͛̈́̊̍̋ȍ̴̡̙̝̗͈̈́͊͗̚͝͠ ̷̥͙̹̥͎̉̉͋y̵̧͚̦̻̮̭̜̝̒̊͛̓̾͘̕͝ǒ̵̙͕̩̙̻̱̬̂̇̎͘͝ú̷̢̀̾́̿̑̑͆ ̷̬͓̆ř̸̢̖̓͛͠ͅȩ̸̲̰̫̞̟̃̋́̉̒̄̎͜m̵͙͉̮͓̣̣͊́̔ͅȇ̸̛̛̊̀͌̃̈ͅm̴̨͉̪̞̗͖̮͚̻̎̒̏͘ḃ̶̜̰͚͈̰͇e̶̺̫̰̊̂̈́̋r̴͖͑̐͛̿̏͊ ̸͖͛̒̊͊͝ͅm̸̨̯̣͎̱̖̺͕̀̑̃͘e̸͖̎̂̂?̷̫͙̐


You opened your eyes and gasped, sitting up and breathing heavily. You looked around you and saw that you were lying on the floor of your room. You crossed your legs as your breathing became calmer and got up. You looked down and saw your dress all bloody and covered in dirt. You then looked at your hands. All dirty and bloody.

"So it was a dream."

You frowned even more than you were and went over to your window, debating if it was sunrise or sunset. You felt like you were about to cry an unimaginable amount of tears. An amount that people would think that was impossible. You wanted to feel alive again. You wanted to have a non beaten and bloody face. You wanted to feel pretty again. You inhaled and exhaled, deciding to go downstairs. When you were at the bottom of the stairs, you saw Joshua on the couch with Sally glaring daggers at him. You noticed him eating cookies with a pissed off expression on his face. You walked up to Sally.

"Sally, what's up with you two?" you asked her. Sally huffed as she crossed her arms.

"He's being a food hog and eating all the cookies. He found out that I broke his cookie jar and is now eating all the cookies so I won't have any." she whispered to you.

You chuckled and shook your head. You ruffled her hair and walked to Joshua, seeing that he had a large plate of cookies on the coffee table. You rolled your eyes and when he wasn't looking, you took the plate to the kitchen and put it on the counter, grabbing two cookies and giving them to a now happier Sally. You smiled and looked back to Joshua who was freaking out because his cookies disappeared.

"Where the hell are my cookies?!"

"Joshua, if you ate all those cookies you'd get a stomachache." Vincent said as he came down the stairs wearing his work clothes witch was a white blouse with a black vest with silver buttons and a black tie along with black pants and a pair of black dress shoes. His graying hair was slicked back with hair gel, explaining why it was so shiny.

"But dad-"

"Don't 'but dad' me. You remember what happened the last time you did this?"

A memory flooded through Joshua's mind.


"Joshua, honey, I told you not to eat all 55 cookies, especially with how fast you were eating them. No look at you." Darcie told Joshua, who was currently vomiting in the bathroom toilet. Joshua was about to answer his mother, but felt vomit coming up to his mouth.

"Ewwwwww! That's gross!" an eight year old Indigo exclaimed as she pointed at her older brother.


"Yeah, I-uh-I remember that....." Joshua cringed at the memory.

"Good. Anyways, i'm off to work. See you tonight, son." Vincent replied as he patted Joshua's head. Joshua nodded and Vincent left to go to work.

The teen tapped his fingers on his leg as he thought what to do. All his friends had something to do and he didn't feel like reading, watching T.V or play any games. So, he was bored and didn't know what to do. You looked down at Sally as she ate a cookie. You smiled and went to sit down on a chair next to the couch. Sally followed you and sat next to you on the couch.

"Sally?" you asked. Sally looked up at you, wiping the crumbs of a cookie off of her mouth. "Did I ever fall asleep last night?"

"Oh, yeah, you did. Do you not remember?"

You shook your head.

"Well, after you got the cookies back and put them on the counter, you went upstairs. But you gracefully fell on the ground and passed out. If you wondering what happened to Liu, he left this morning before you woke up and Joshua came home from his sleepover with his friend after Liu left."

"Okay, thank you."

Gracefully fell? How would I gracefully fall?

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now