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"So, Slenderman wants you to go get Sally because he's annoyed that the ghost children keeps pestering him that they miss her?" Toby said as he adjusted his orange goggles that rested on his head and fluffy chocolate brown hair.

"Yes. He wants me to go get her because this ghost girl didn't bring her to him so he could bring her here so that the other ghosts don't bother him. *sigh* I just wish I could leave with James and Edward but I don't want to leave Ms. Ackerman."

Alice sat down in the grass that looked like it was in the middle of dying and had her arms crossed. Toby was next to her with his face mask down, showing his scar that showed his white teeth and pink gums. He looked at Alice who starred at the trees with an angry expression and started to get up.

"Well, I'm going to the cabin to take a shower. Slenderman told me that I have a three day break. Still wish that I could have a longer break...." Toby dusted off his jeans an started to walk to the cabin he shared with his coworkers.

"Yeah, you should take a shower. You smell like crap." Alice responded.

Toby glared at her and put his goggles and face mask back on his pale, almost grey looking face and walked to the old cabin where only two of his coworkers, including him, lived. Alice sighed and laid back down on the ground. She looked down with an upset look on her face.

"I just hope that me and everyone finds out a way to escape this place soon."


"Okay James, I'm going to go get Sally now. Wish me luck." Alice told James, a five year old boy wearing dirty clothing from the late 1910s. He nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

Alice smiled and started to walk away from the mansion. She walked quietly with her hands together like she was taught when she was alive and limped a little since her right foot was broken. She expected her foot to hurt when she first appeared as a ghost, but no, it didn't hurt a bit. Ever since she died, she couldn't feel pain on that foot. It was nice but sucked since she had to limp. As Alice walked, she thought of all the weird people and monsters that lived in the forest. In the abandoned hospital, there lived a nurse in all black with stitches all over her body. Then there was The Slender Man's workers - Toby, Kate and someone else. Alice didn't know her name. There was many cabins in the forest, including the one where Liu and BEN lived in. Alice got along with BEN pretty well since she was close to his age. There were many other beings in the forest, but Alice didn't want to think about them.

The twelve year old smiled a little as she saw the house The Slender Man described to her and continued walking until she reached the back door. She took a deep breath and walked through the door, her dark brown, almost black eyes, being closed. She opened them and started to wander around the house until she found the staircase. After walking up, she went into one of the rooms. It looked like a child's room with a colorful bed, a small book case, a small T.V, a fluffy rug and a chest. Everything was covered in dust, making Alice confused. She shrugged and went through all the rooms, which were all empty and covered in dust (except Joshua and Vincent's room). Then, she reached the last room. She smiled as she saw Sally sitting on the floor with a book in her hands. Sally felt a presence in the room and looked up from the book she was reading. She scanned the room and her eyes widened.

"A-Alice!" Sally couldn't move.

"Hey Sal. How're you doing?" Alice asked.

"Um, good? Better here than the mansion.................Please don't make me go back."

Alice frowned and rubbed her arm. She limped her way over to Sally and sat in front of her.

"Sally, Edward, James and I are trying to find a way to escape. Maybe we could try and find that forest demon to make go to Heaven?"

"Uuuuuhhhh....is it okay if (Y/N) comes with us?"


Maybe it's a coincidence?

"Yes. (Y/N). I like her. She's nice."


"*SIGH* I'm bored." You tapped your foot on the porch and crossed your arms. You looked up at the sky with your glowing white and (E/C) eyes.

The night was cold and the moon was full, same as the night you died from the hands of Sarah. You wiped the blood from your mouth and nose with your (S/C) hands and put one of them on your bleeding heart. You smile, enjoying the cool, light breeze. You turned around and walked inside the warm house. You went up the stairs and to your room, but stopped in your track when you saw the one familiar girl.


Alice froze and slowly turned around to face you.

"(Y/N)? It's really you. Right? Is it?"

You smiled nervously, showing you red stained teeth. Alice smiled back.

"Well, this is.......uh......sort of awkward." you broke the silence.

Alice started to tear up and walked to you and hugged you. You hugged back and also started to tear up. It's been so long since you've seen her. You remember seeing her when you were about seventeen or eighteen. It was.....a bit unnerving since you had a nightmare that you couldn't remember. You didn't know how you couldn't remember it. It was like the memory of the horrible dream left you mind as soon you saw her.


"*GASP* O-oh.....oh god......." You started to nervously laugh. "There's no way that was rea! No way! I mean, really? A big red and black demon killing my friends and family in front of me? And who needs that many mouths?"

You continued to quietly laugh, happy that whatever happened in your nightmare wasn't real. It rain very heavily outside and the wind was strong. You were sure that at least a couple of trees would be fallen down in the morning. Then, you saw her. You froze and your hear beat faster than it already was. You locked eyes with a pair of glowing dark eyes that seemed to stare into your soul. You gulped, not saying a word. The eyes stared into your (E/C) ones for about a very long minute until a flash of lightning made the figure of the eyes visible. You jumped as you saw the figure. You heart beat hard against your ribcage, as of it wanted out of jump out of your chest and waltz away. After the lightning disappeared, the eyes did as well. What did your mom say about ghosts? That they weren't real? Well, she of course wouldn't believe if you told her about the eyes. Even if you saw the figure of not even a second, you were able to make out a lot of details about the figure. About Alice.

Her long, light cool brown hair was all tangled with a few leaves and small sticks in it and her face showed no emotion whatsoever. Her skin when she was alive was already extremely pale, but now it somehow looked even paler; as if all drops of blood were drained from her body. She was wearing the same long sleeved pumpkin orange dress up to her knees, the same white stocking and the same black heels the day she went missing. Her dress was smeared all over with mud and grass and her stockings were ripped; the exposed skin had open cuts that had blood gushing out. Then the right side of her face........most of her skin there was missing. Like her legs, blood gushed out of her wound and her eye was still there.

You knew that Alice was dead, but you didn't know that she looked so horrible. You laid back down in your bed and closed your eyes., forgetting why you woke in the first place.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now