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You back up a little as many of the younger children ran up to you, ignoring Sally, Jane and Alice, They pulled and tugged at your dress skirt and threw insults at you, trying to make you angry. You didn't know why these kids were like this, but you thought that they needed some discipline and someone to care for them. As the children insulted and kept trying to push you, you crossed your arms and out on a resting bitch face. You looked down at them all. After a couple minutes of this, some looked mad that you weren't showing signs of being sad and some just shrugged and walked off to do whatever. You looked at the room full of dead children and felt sad. A lot of them seemed to die very violently and that upset you.

"Hey (Y/N), let's go to the basement, that's where Ms. Ackerman is. She doesn't like to come out." Alice said

She grabbed your hands and guided you to an empty room that had stairs going down. As you walked down them, you felt.....weird. You felt like something extremely sad and angry lived down there. Since Alice mentioned someone named Ms. Ackerman, you assumed that she was the angry and sad being. When you reached the basement, you saw nothing but darkness. Alice sighed and snapped one of her fingers and it suddenly became bright. No light bulbs or anything were present in the room.

"Hi Ms. Ackerman! Sally's back. And Jane!" Alice walked to a figure that had an old dress on with her back facing everyone.

"Alice, it's very nice to see you again. Same to you Sally and Jane." Ms. Ackerman turned around and looked at you. "And who is this?"

"Oh, yes! This is (Y/N) (M/N) Bancroft. That one ghost I told you about when I first met you."

You and Ms. Ackerman looked at each other. Mr. Ackerman looked to be around the seventies or eighties rage and had dark wrinkly skin that looked like thin paper. She had curly white hair with a few grey streaks up in a bun and had a few pale yellow flowers on the side of her head. Her dress was pale yellow like the flowers with her sleeves flaring where the elbows where. She smiled kindly as she looked into your (E/C) eyes with her dead looking and hazel ones. You looked down at her neck which was slit and seemed to be the way she died. Ms. Ackerman held out one of her boney hands and you took it into one of yours.

"It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." you replied with a smile.

"Hey everyone, I'm going to look for Edward and James, okay?" Alice looked at everyone in the room.

"That's fine. Just try not to get into any fights." Jane said as she rolled her eyes even if no one could see.

Alice nodded and did finger guns as she walked up the stairs. When she got to the top, she went through the door, bumping into someone.

"Hey Edward."

"Hey Alice."

"Do you know where James is?"

"Uhhhhhhh.....uhhhhhh...........I think he's outside."

"Okay. Help me find him."

Alice walked next to him and pulled on the back of the hem of his red and black flannel, making him fell like he was being choked. Alice then let go of the hem when Edward started walking next to her.

"You didn't have to do that." Edward glared at his friend, who shrugged and continued walking.


"Is it okay if I ask you when you died?" you asked quietly, not sure if the old woman wanted to talk about death. You, Sally, Jane and Ms. Ackerman were sitting in a circle and talking.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now