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You, Sally and Alice walked in the forest to go to the mansion Alice told you about. You thought it was weird. A mansion where dead children are attracted to? It took a lot of convincing for you to come with them. You didn't want to leave the house but didn't want Sally to be scared and upset. You felt something in the forest. Something evil. Something that wanted to hurt you. Yes you've walked far into the woods, but never this far. You couldn't feel it, but if you were alive, the air would've felt thick and given you a headache. Sally and Alice didn't say a word, they just walked quietly, not making a sound. You stopped for a second, thinking that you heard something, like a scream. It was faint and was far away, but you just wanted to make sure that you heard it. You shook your head and continued walking behind the two girls. Then you heard the scream again. This time, it was slightly louder. Alice and Sally stopped too and looked to the side where the scream came from, this time, there were two screams.

"Did you hear that?" Alice asked Sally.

"Yes. Did you hear the scream (Y/N)?"

You nodded your head and the three of you stood in the forest, listening to the screams of what sounded like a man and woman getting closer and louder. You heard people running and saw a woman coming into view from the trees and getting tackled by someone in black. You then saw a man fall to the ground. A large kitchen knife was thrown into his back. The man tried to get up to get away but was stopped by a woman in black stepping on his upper back. She grabbed the kitchen knife out of his lower back and he screamed bloody murder. You looked back at the woman who was running. She was being held down by what looked like a man. He grabbed what looked like a scalpel out of his hoodie pocket and lifted the woman's teal shirt up. She was screaming and pleading for him not to kill her and screamed even louder when the male started to cut her side. You cringed and looked at Alice, who smiled a little. Sally was looking away and held her bear in her arms.

"JANE!" Alice yelled, grabbing the attention of the female in black. You winced at how loud she yelled.

"Hey Alice. Sally." The woman - or- Jane replied. She then looked at you. "Who's this?"

"This is (Y/N). The person I told you about when you visited the mansion?"

"Oh, yes. (Y/N). It's nice to meet you."

You smiled.

It's.......nice to meet you too."

Jane twirled her knife in her hand as she turned around to finish off her victim. Jane had long black, wavy hair and wore a long, flowy black dress that stopped above her ankles. Her dress collar covered her neck and was long sleeved, the sleeves flaring where her elbows where. She had on black gloves and black stilettos; you knew she ran, so it amazed you that she was able to run in heels without falling and hurting her ankles. Jane also had a mask on. It was cream white with two black eyes and a black mouth that formed a small smile. You remembered what Sally told you. Jane doesn't kill innocent people. You then started to wonder what the man did as you watched her stab him to death, his blood getting on her dress. Alice and Sally were standing there and looking away. Alice thought that you could talk with Jane for a little before you three went to the mansion.

"Um, what did this guy do?" you asked. Jane pulled her knife out of the man's chest.

"Well, this motherfucker-" Jane grabbed the freshly dead man's dark brown hair and lifted his head up, "-was a drug dealer and a killer, but not like me. Not all drug dealers are bad people, but this one is. Him and his girlfriend over there-" she pointed to the woman with both of her sides open, and the man eating one of her kidneys with her thumb,"-killed their twin kids after abusing them for most of their life."

"What?" you gave the man and woman dirty glares, feeling sorry for their children. They deserved better.

"Yeah. My wife gave me this information. So, now these two monsters can go burn in hell for all eternity for all the abuse they did. Glad a little less evil beings are dead." Jane held her knife tightly. "Well, bye everyone." She then walked between some trees to leave but Sally ran to her and pulled on her dress.

"Please visit the mansion. Whenever you're there, the rest of the kids don't bully me."

Jane looked at her and sighed.

"Okay. I guess you I do miss talking to Miss Ackerman."

You wrapped your arms around yourself. You felt sick and disgusted that these two people - no - monsters killed their children. Their own flesh and blood. As Sally and Jane talked, you walked up to the male and kicked him. You then spit on him with you ghost saliva and called him some French insult. The man eating the kidney looked at you and moved out of the way and let you do the same thing with the woman.



"Damn it."

Liu looked down at the broken picture of him and Jeff as kids that was on the floor in the kitchen with a defeated look on his face. It's been a couple days since Sully killed Cory Tuffin, a teenage boy who was walking home from the park. His spirit followed Liu home and ever since then, Liu had things thrown at him and was attacked a few times. Liu tried to get BEN to help him with the teenage poltergeist, but BEN told him that he'll only help him if any of their games were broken. Corey was one pissed poltergeist. His life was taken away from him at a young age and he decided to haunt his killer until their death. He would've went and looked over his family, but they were neglectful and narcissists. Cory glared at Liu and then made a dirty glass plate that sat on the counter fly at him, hitting him in the stomach. The green eyed man fell backwards and groaned, rubbing his forehead in frustration. He sat up and put a hand on his stomach where the plate hit him and when he felt no sign of any glass, he got up and walked away from the broken plate and to a closet in the kitchen. He got out a broom and dustpan and swept the mess away while cursing under his breath.

Corey looked down in sadness and decided to talk to BEN since he was another ghost that could see and hear him as Liu could not.

"Uh, hey kid." BEN said as Corey sat down next to him and started tp watch him play Halo. It was weird that BEN called Corey kid since he's younger.

"Why do you look like Link?" Corey replied.

"Well, I drowned and decided to haunt a Legend of Zelda game." BEN sounded sad, but didn't look away from the T.V.

"Oh. Okay."

The two blonde ghosts sat at the couch quietly, looking at the T.V. One of Liu's eyes twitched when he heard BEN talking to Corey. He then frowned, thinking about you. If you saw Fay die, did you do anything to stop Sarah? Was someone else involved in your death? He shrugged and thought about visiting the mansion so that he could talk to Ms. Ackerman. He enjoyed listening to stories of when she was young. She was a trouble maker, that's for sure. He remembered one story of when Ms. Ackerman was a child. It wasn't a happy story. It was depressing. He didn't want to think about it. The story of the poor child seeing her sister getting possessed by a demon and then dying the next day. Liu opened up his fridge and looked in, looking for a certain food item as he tried to remember the demon's name.

"Zalgo." Liu remembered as he took out a bowl with chopped up watermelon. "It's name was Zalgo."


You felt weird. Like something was following you. Every time you looked back, you either saw nothing or something dash behind a tree. Maybe another ghost? Jane, Alice, Sally and you stopped walking when you reached the mansion. It was painted black with most of the windows boarded up with old wood. You breathed in and out, getting ready to face the children that Sally talked about on the walk. Anytime a newcomer would arrive, they would try to find their weaknesses, It didn't matter if it was a child or an adult.

"Okay, let's go in. You ready (Y/N)?" Alice asked you.

"Yes. I'm ready."

Alice smiled and Jane opened up the front door. When it was opened, it relieved many dead children, few of them looking like teenagers. They all looked at you four in silence until one of the female teen's broke it.

"They're back and brought a newcomer!"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now