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The basement, like always, was cold, the light sometimes flickering. Jack was cleaning off the blood from Vincent's lifeless body and you and Ethan were standing in a corner with Toby who had bandages on of his arms from an injury. Liu was sitting in a chair, rubbing his head, grumbling something under his breath.

"Sorry for keeping you," Ann begun as she walked into the basement, "but here's you ice pack." Ann handed Liu a sky blue and white ice pack and Liu put it on his head.

"Thanks Ann."

Ann nodded and looked at Jack.

"How's it going with Vincent?" she asked, walking over to see what the demon was doing.

"Good, I just need you to get the stitching kit so I can close the wounds when I'm done cleaning." Ann hummed and walked away to a cabinet and opened it, revealing medical supplies such as first aid kits, gloves, stethoscopes. She took out a stitching kit and walked back to Jack, putting it on another table close to him. "Thanks." he said as he cleaned the remaining blood from Vincent's stomach.

Ethan looked at Toby and Liu. He then looked at you.

"Hey, (Y/N)," he pulled on your sleeve, "who're are those guys again?"

"Hmm? Oh, Toby and Liu?" Ethan shook his head. "Toby is that one with no shirt on and Liu's the other one with scars on his face."

"Oh, okay."

Ann noticed you two talking and walked over to you two.

"You two can leave if you want. Me and Jack will take care of Vincent's body and I'll make sure Jack doesn't try anything."

You and Ethan heard Jack bark an insult at the nurse, who looked like she could care less.

"Yeah, that sounds good. And what will you do when you finish cleaning and stitching the body?" you asked.

"I thought that we could bring Joshua here and then give his father a proper burial."

You nodded and said thank you. You told Ethan you were leaving and he said he was coming with you. Toby and Liu said they would also be leaving and left Jack's basement, then his cabin. As you all walked to Liu's cabin, Liu kept looking at Ethan. He felt sorry for the kid and pissed that his brother killed him. It was good that Jeff was dead. He would only cause trouble. Plus he was a terrible influence for BEN, always telling him that killing was fun and that everyone deserved to die. Yes, BEN was a ghost but he was still a twelve year old. He was only a kid. When you all finally reached Liu's cabin, you noticed that everyone was in the living room and looked slightly off.

They all looked unnerved.

"Hey everybody." Liu said as he waved. Everybody mumbled hey or welcome back.

Noah leaped off the couch and sprinted to you, happy. You lifted him up and let him hug you. Alice looked up with a bored expression that turned into surprise and she gasped.


Toby stiffened and looked away, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket.

Don't say anything Don't say anything Don't say anything Don't say anything Don't say anything Don't say anything

Alice ran and happily jumped onto the man, making him almost stop breathing. You looked at them and held in a laugh. As you looked at Toby, you noticed something.

He looked a lot like Alice's older brother.

They had the same eyes, the same hair color and almost the same face shape. That was probably why she liked to annoy Toby. Liu rolled his eyes and when everyone was in, closed his door. He looked at Jane.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now