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Joshua's eyes opened and looked around the ceiling. A couple of cracks and some paint chipping off, a few old and new looking spiderwebs. He sat up-but did it slowly-and groaned in pain and put a hand where his wounds were. He took a few deep breaths, preparing himself for a little bit of pain and shifted himself to the side and moved the blanket off his legs. He moved his legs and hovered his feet above the cold floor and sat them down, which made him shiver a bit. Joshua sat on the bed for about a minute until he decided to get up and go down the stairs. He put a hand on a side table and got up and tried to ignore the slight stinging on his stomach. He stood up straight and put his arms out so he wouldn't fall down and hurt himself. Then he started to walk to the door and opened it, he walked out of the room and shut the door.

Joshua grabbed the railing of the stairs and started to slowly walk down them. Finally he reached the bottom and went into the living room.

"Hey." he called out, grabbing the attention of almost everyone. Liu looked at him with a tired look.

"Oh, you got out of bed. You should probably take a shower." Liu told him. "You've been asleep for about an hour."

"Yeah, I know. That's what the nurse told me. But I need clean clothes."

"Oh, I have some clothes you can wear." Liu went to the stairs and put a hand on the younger man's shoulder. "I'll start a shower for you and get you new clothes. But before you take a shower, I 'll help you get the bandages off."

"Okay." Joshua and Liu walked up the stairs and disappeared.

BEN watched as they walked and looked at Ethan sitting on the floor, looking away.

"You okay, bro?" he asked him.

Ethan shrugged and still didn't look at the younger spirit.

"I don't know. It was my fault that Joshua got hurt and my fault that Mr. Campbell is dead. And seeing Joshua know is kind of making me hate myself more."

Edward then looked at him.

"Yeah, you fu-" before Edward finished, Alice smacked him in his head and pushed him. She then floated to Ethan and sat down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You know what?" she began, making him look at her. "It's going to be okay. You may have made a mistake, a big one that made changes in Joshua and your lives, but........ I don't know what to say now." She was silent for a moment. "Just know that it's going to be okay, alright?"

"Ummm, okay? Thank you. I guess."

Alice smiled awkwardly and shuffled further away from the older ghost.

What else was she supposed to say?

She didn't know what to tell him besides that it was okay and she was twelve and didn't really know how to comfort someone. She's always been not that great with words. Alice looked at Ethan sadly.

Maybe (YN) could help him?


Joshua flinched a little at the cool air that was know hitting his bare stomach after Liu removed the bandages from the wounds that would surely become scars soon. Hell, they already were starting to look like scars. Liu put the dirty and bloody bandages in the bathroom's trashcan and started to wash his hands.

"That was the second time you had bandages removed. correct?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Liu nodded and shut the sink faucet off.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now