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"C'mon Ms. Ackerman! You should see what the outside looks like!" James exclaimed as he looked at the old woman.

"I don't know honey......"

Ms. Ackerman rubbed one of her arms and looked away from the five year old. You frowned and walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. For an hour, everyone tried to convince her to go outside before Edward would take you to see Jack.

"Ms. Ackerman, the outside world is beautiful and the moon and the stars in the sky are nice to look at. I'm sure that you'll enjoy being out there. Just this once?" you smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Okay. Fine. Just this once." Everyone smiled and James and Sally cheered and hugged the widow. "Okay, okay. Let's just get this over with."

You stood next to Ms. Ackerman as you all walked through the mansion until you got outside. She looked around and seemed to be taken back. She looked around at the creepy yet hauntingly beautiful forest that if it didn't have thick air and a disturbing aura, it would be a nice place to camp at or have a picnic. Ms. Ackerman walked around in place and looked up at stare at the bright night sky. She put a hand on her heart and smiled, tears starting to fall down her cheeks. She fell to her knees and murmured a 'thank you'.

"Well, I hope you four have.......fun? I don't know. (Y/N), please make sure you keep an eye on these little monsters. Especially Edward." Jane told you as she helped the old woman up.

You nodded and started to follow Alice who started walking with the other two. Sally waved and you waved back.


"I can't believe we're doing this." Alice said as she walked beside you and James. Edward was in front, leading you three to whoever this Eyeless Jack or just Jack lived.

"It's going to be fine Ally, just trust me." Edward replied. "I just want to show your friend what I do to mess with him."

"Don't call me ally! You know I hate it. And besides, we all know you're just going to get freaked out by Jacks organs."

"What?" you were confused. Jack's organs? What are these kids talking about?

"Jacks organs." Alice looked at you. "You know that guy in black who ate that woman's kidneys? Well, that's Jack. He's a demon who eats human organs after harvesting them. He puts them in jars or bags and puts them in fridges he has in his cabin."

"O-oh. Okay......" you were freaked out a little by the thought, but you were interested in seeing jars filled with human organs.

Edward shivered at the thought.

"Do you think Ms. Ackerman, Sally and Jane are going to be alright?" James asked as he scratched his bumpy peach skin.

"I'm sure they'll be alright." you said.

For about an hour you all walked. It was mostly quiet with someone complaining and someone breaking the silence.

"Well, there it is." Edward smiled and nodded his head as you all saw an old looking cabin with it's lights off.

As you all started to walk around the cabin because Edward said that it looked nice, you noticed that it was surrounded by bushes with dead looking red roses and had some vines growing up and around it. It had all it's dirty windows closed and covered with dark colored curtains and the roof looked like it was in need of some repair. The cabin looked like it was a couple of decades old since it didn't look as new like the other ones.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now