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Liu's eyes widened as he tried to process what was happening. Two teenagers were on the ground, both bleeding with The Rake screeching while being held by you. You started to appear visible since you were more focused on trying to keep the humanoid from attacking Joshua and Ethan but you didn't really care. Liu gripped the plastic bag in his hand and looked down at it. It was filled with organs that bled and had the juices and blood drip down. It was supposed to be for Jack, but Liu decided that saving the two teenagers was more important.

So glad I have this

"Hey!" Liu yelled.

The Rake stopped screeching and looked at the man. Liu threw the bag full of bloody organs into a bush. You got the hint and let got of The Rake, who ran on all fours to the bag rather quickly. Liu ran to the two teenagers and looked at them. Outside, he didn't look worried but on the inside he was panicking.

"So The Rake got you two, huh?"

"WOW! No fucking shit, Sherlock!" Ethan yelled. "Help him!"

"I'm Back!" Alice sung. Behind her was Jack in only sweatpants and no shirt.

"What the fu-"

"Well shit." Jack said. "Okay, purple hair, move out of the way."

Ethan got up and moved aside. He watched in confusion and fear as the demon picked up the half conscious Joshua and walked away. You became invisible again and walked to Ethan, grabbing his hand and made him follow Jack and Alice.


Liu looked at the visible Corey put had his hands on his hips. "Some crazy shit went down."

Corey looked at Liu and gave him the middle finger with a smile.

"Yeah. I guess."


"Yes Jack?"

"Make sure The Rake doesn't follow us."

Liu looked back and saw The Rake starting to get up. He groaned ad took out a gun that was in his back pocket. He knew he wasn't able to kill the creature, but he could injure him. The Rake looked at the green eyed male and screeched. He ran to him but before The Rake could do anything to hum, Liu shot him several times; not one time did he miss. The Rake hissed like a snake and ran off. He started to follow the rest of the group.

"Soooooooooo......who are you?" Ethan asked.





Ethan put a hand on his bloody neck. It wasn't gushing out, but he knew that he was losing a lot of blood.

As Cory walked, he looked at you. Ever since he died, he only saw the ghosts of children and teens, but never an adult. But there you were. An adult. He cleared his throat and walked over to you.

"Excuse me?"

You looked at him but didn't move your head.


"Do you know that people?" Cory asked as he pointed to everyone who was in font of you.

"Yeas, I do. I haunt Joshua's family."

Cory didn't expect you to have an accent, let alone a French one. But he thought it was neat. He thought accents were cool.

"Joshua Campbell? That Joshua?"


"Why do you haunt his family?"

"Well, lets just say that he's related to my killer."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now