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"So, I guess this is my new home now." Edward told Alice with his hands on his hips.

"It's my home too." Alice sneered with her arms crossed.


The two walked inside and awed at the sight of the home. It faintly smelled like freshly cut lemons and wasn't sad looking like the mansion. Edward smiled and walked into the kitchen, admiring how clean it was. He looked everywhere that he could see in the kitchen, wishing that he didn't die. He always wanted to be a cook. He then heard Alice heard Alice gasp. He looked at her and saw that she was looking at the almost gone pie that sat on the counter.


"Shush! We don't want them hearing." Edward pointed to Vincent and Joshua sitting on the couch, now watching a fantasy movie.

The two ghosts looked at each other and nodded. Edward went to one of the cupboards and opened them, expecting there to be plates but scoffed when he only saw glass cups. As he opened each cupboard, Alice was opening and closing drawers, searching for silverware. After a minute, they both found what they were looking for and took them out. Edward put two plates on the counter and Alice put two forks on the plate. She handed a kitchen knife to Edward who took it in one of his hands and was hovering it over the pie so that they could have even pieces. He cut the pie into two even pieces and put them on the plates next to the two silver forks. Alice and Edward took their plates and walked into the living room.

"Do you think (Y/N) got herself a piece of pie?" Joshua asked, not looking away from the T.V.

"Maybe." Vincent didn't say anything else.

Edward looked at Joshua and noticed that he was probably close to his age.

"C'mon Alice, let's go look upstairs."

Alice followed behind Edward as she ate her pie, feeling happy to have something to eat. Edward reached the top and went into the first room he was facing. Alice went to your room and went in.

"(Y/N) gracefully fell again."

Alice was startled and almost dropped her plate but didn't. Sally stared at her with a blank face.

"(Y/N) did what?"

"She gracefully fell again."

"Gracefully fell? How? Did she fell dizzy and put a hand on her forehead and fall?" Alice chuckled to herself.

"No. She just looked graceful when she fell."

"How would anyone fall gracefully?"

"Is it okay if (Y/N)'s not waking up?" James asked as he poked your face.

Alice looked at the three ghosts in the room and took another bite of her pie. Edward walked in. He looked at Alice. She looked back at him.




"Have you ever wondered about how us ghost's can eat food?"


You hummed to yourself as you sat comfortably on the jade green bergère chair that was surrounded by vines and roses. He were in that dark place again. You felt alive again but couldn't get out of the chair without making the many vines hurt you. Your hair was down and you wore a dark red afternoon dress (Victorian of course) with black laced ankle high boots. You had a black hat on your head with black feathers and dark red flowers. You tapped your fingers on the arm of the chair and smiled. Yes, you were in this place again but you felt alive. You enjoyed feeling your heart beat. You closed your eyes and continued humming. After what seemed like an hour, you heard a noise and opened your eyes. You looked down and saw the roses and vines go underground. You grew confused and gasped in surprise as chair disappeared, making you fall to the ground. You groaned in pain and got up and rubbed your behind. You saw the darkness fade into............your room. Your old room when you were a teenager.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now