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"Edward, I made you some tea."

"Thanks Dorthy."

The dark blonde female gave him a nod and walked off after putting the cup of tea on Edwards bedside. Edward sat up, still feeling pain in his back. He took the glass cup full of cold tea and took a sip. He smiled and sighed at the refreshing drink and looked out at his bedroom window. The sky was dark and like a canvas with bright dots and the moon that shone bright. Edward continued drinking the tea until there was nothing left in the cup and set it back down. He groaned in pain as he laid back down on the soft sheets and looked up at the cream colored ceiling. His headache wasn't going away. Edward knew that he was most likely going to die from this disease and it made him sad knowing that he would never be able to live a normal and healthy life. He tapped his fingers on his stomach and hummed a song Dorthy sang to him when he was young.

Edward coughed and cleared his throat. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out, feeling comfortable to go to sleep.








"Son, wake up."




"Edward. Edward. EDWARD. EDWARD! WAKE UP!"

Edward felt a sharp pain on the right side of his face and winced. He had tears prickling his eyes and looked up to see the man who slapped him: His father.

"Dad! What the fuck?!"

"Don't swear at me, boy." Edward glared at his father with tears running down his warm ivory skin. His father rolled his dark blue eyes. "Get up, take a shower and get dressed. I'm going to take you to see your mother."

"Wait, mom? She's in town?" Edward was confused. He thought his mother moved to France after the divorce.

"Of course she is, she's desperate to see you. So get going. I'll be waiting in the living room."

The middle aged man walked out of the teens room while mumbling something under his breath. Edward gulped as he knew that it was going to be painful getting out of bed. He slowly and carefully got out of the comfort of his warm bed and his bare foot touched the coldness that was his wooden floor. He tried to straighten his back out, but his back hurt too much, so he slouched as he walked to his bathroom.


"Your ex-wife is back, Mr. Hops?" Dorthy, a thirty-three year old maid asked.

Edwards father nodded and smiled as he and Dorthy walked down on of the stair cases in the house - - well, mansion. He ran his fingers through his shiny, slicked back black hair and chuckled.

"Edward will be so happy to finally see Margret again." Mr. Hops looked up as he saw his son slowly walking down one of the carpeted stair cases. "Ah, there you are son. Ready?"


Dorthy looked at Edward with a somber look. He looked at her pale blue eyes with his amber ones and felt himself frowning even more, if that was even possible. Edward reached the bottom and adjusted the pale yellow hat with different colors of fake flowers that rested on his head. His mothers hat. He wore a medium brown colored jacket with matching knee high shorts and calf high socks with three white stripes. The Stacy Adams on his feet were dark brown and looked a little old, but still looked like they we'rent worn out. Edward walked to his father with a blank expression.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now