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Vincent looked at the paper on the counter worryingly. He just got out of bed and noticed that Joshua's door was cracked, so he looked in the room and didn't think anything about his son not being in his room. He just thought that Joshua was already awake. But he was wrong. Vincent ran his fingers through his hair and whispered "no" under his breath. He shook his head as he put the note back om the counter.

"That boy is in big trouble."

Vincent was about to get dressed so he could look for his son but heard the back door open. Assuming that it was Joshua, he walked to the door, ready to scold him. But he was confused as he saw no one there.


"Alice, actually."

Vincent froze at the unfamiliar voice.


Alice became visible, making Vincent hold in a scream.

"I'm Alice, (Y/N)'s friend. I'm here to come and get you."

"C-come and get me? Why?"

"Because Joshua was attacked by The Rake and lost a lot of blood. He's going to stay in a cabin for a while so I came here to get you so that you could stay with him."


"Mr. Campbell?"


"Mr. Campbell, are you okay?"


"Okay, i'm going to let you get dressed out of those flannel pants and shirt and i'll be waiting outside."


"Great talk."

Alice finger gun'd and floated a couple inches off the ground backwards outside. She stopped when she was a couple feet away from the house.

Vincent sighed and blinked a couple times.

"What just happened?"


Joshua groaned and opened his eyes but closed them again as he saw a bright light. He got up and opened them again, adjusting the the brightness around him.

"What?" Joshua looked around and saw he was sitting in tall, green grass that seemed to never end. Tall sunflowers, taller than the grass were scattered around. The air was warm but there was wind, making it feel just right. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue with puffy white clouds. Joshua looked at his stomach, expecting to see blood. But he saw nothing. He wore a simple white t-shirt and black shorts. He was barefoot, which explained why his feet felt ticklish. The scent of fresh rain filled his nose and Joshua sat up from the flattened grass that he was sitting on. "Where am I?"

"You're in a dream, Josh."

Joshua's eyes widened and he looked behind him. He froze.


Joshua looked at Allison who sported a kind smile. Her short hair was neatly combed and her bright blue eyes shined in the sunlight. Allison was barefoot wore a long white dress that reached her ankles with long sleeves. She had a pair of large white angel wings on her back that sparkled and a bright golden halo floating above her head.

"Hi Josh!"




𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 | Creepypasta X Female Ghost ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now