Chapter 2 - The First Step

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The sun hasn't even finished creeping over the horizon before they come. You see them stalking from the corner of your eye, slowly inching towards you as they near the bed.

They're tall and gaunt, their bony arms covered with grey hairs as they walk. Their faces are mangled creatures, with the front of their skulls almost completely caved in, revealing the gray brains within.

You're frozen, hands numb, feet bound and unable to move as they creep closer,



You feel them hovering over your body, long, spindly fingers inching towards you as you let out a deafening scream...

And then you wake up. Pills didn't work this time. They never work any time.

You sit in bed for a while, just trying to get your breathing under control and your heart beating regularly again after the nightmare.

You see the orange sky through the slats of your blinds and decide that now is as good a time as any to get up. You wouldn't be able to sleep again after that, that's for sure.

You get up from the bed, and take stock of yourself. A small groan escapes your lips when you see '6.48' lit up on your alarm clock. When was the last time you slept past 7am?

You trudge to the kitchen, still in your hoodie and sweatpants from yesterday, and grab a coffee cup. 'Morning,' your dad says in a gruff voice from across the room. You hadn't noticed him there and it makes you jump. 'Coffee is in the pot,' he adds.

'Thanks,' you say, pouring yourself a cup.

You lean against the kitchen counter facing your dad who is sat at the breakfast bar, still groggy over his steaming cup. 'Any updates from the hospital?' you ask, although you already know the answer.

'No, nothing yet,' he replies. You nod looking down, slouching against the counter. That's been the cycle for the last five months. Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

'I do have an update for you though. I'm driving you to school tomorrow for your first day,' your dad says blatantly, smiling at you as if you should've been expecting it.

Your mouth goes dry. 'B-but... I haven't even registered or anything yet... I'm not...' As you stutter over your words, your dad picks up a letter from the counter, reading aloud,

'Dear Miss Boden, We are pleased to offer you a place on our pre-med course for the 2020/2021 academic year...'

You stare at him, not understanding if this is a joke or if he's being serious. As if reading your mind, he says 'Seriously. Take a look yourself,' holding the letter out to you. You walk over and take it from him, not believing what you see before your eyes.

'But how...?' you trail off.

'Rex found your admission letter on your desk. Just after the... anyway. He sent it in because he knew you wouldn't,' your dad explains.

You realise you're stood open mouthed. You don't know how to feel. Confusion, anger, joy, surprise - all of these rush through you at once. He shrugs. 'I'm just glad he did it,' he says. 'I know it's short notice, but we can get you set up at the college and get you registered tomorrow.'

You nod, still dumbfounded, and start to let it sink in. You're going to college. Tomorrow. You have an actual goal now, something to work towards.

You head to your brother's room, wondering if he's up yet. You crack open his door a little and peer in. He's sitting up in bed on his phone, hair pointing in every direction. He squints at your figure in the door and smiles when he sees it's you. 'Hey, sis,' he drawls, voice still croaky from sleep. He drops his phone and pats the comforter at the end of his bed, a signal for you to go and sit down. You walk over and his eyes flick to the letter in your hand. 'Ah...' he says as realisation hits, holding his hands up in mock surrender. 'Don't blame me. It was your letter that got you in!' He gives a cheeky grin and you can't help but smile back.

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