Chapter 25 - Stolen Glances

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It's the 30th December and your mom has been home for three days. You wish you could say it's been easy, but it hasn't. Nothing could have ever prepared you for how hard it's been.

She's barely spoken to you, and when she has it's been in short, disjointed sentences. You've never seen someone fall apart like this before. Because of her muscle wastage, she's having to learn to support her own weight again. This means that she isn't able to tackle the steps leading up to your apartment, so she hasn't left since she got home. Not that she's wanted to. She's been eating little and sleeping even less.

Your dad has to shower her. You'd offered but she brushed it off with a firm no. You're probably just being paranoid but she seems to stop talking when you're around. Zones out. She doesn't speak much in the first place, but you're yet to have a conversation with her at all and you know your dad and brother have had several. You don't get it.

You know that it's selfish of you, but you wish she'd just hurry up and get better so you can go back to how things were before. But you can't think like that. You won't.

You really do feel so alone, though. You're trapped in this apartment, knowing you can't go out anywhere without feeling guilty. George and Lexi are aware of your mom's miracle wake up but they both traveled home for Christmas after your afternoon together on Christmas Eve and they're not due back for a couple days. Robert has been texting, checking in every day, but it's not the same as being with him or speaking to him in person. You can't even call him for fear of your brother hearing anything through your shared bedroom wall.

You feel like you're drowning.

You're all sat in the living room when your dad walks in having just finished a phone call. 'Hey, so that was Roddy. He's been talking to the family and they've all booked up to come here. To see you, Laura.' Roddy is dad's brother and you haven't seen any of the family since you moved here. Your dad looks nervous as he speaks. 'Thing is... they're coming tomorrow. For New Years. I, uh, said they can come here on the evening to celebrate.'

Your eyebrows raise, not knowing what your mom will make of this. You hope your dad has prepared the family for what she's like now. They'll need to lower their expectations.

You look over to your mom. She's nodding along, warming to the idea. 'Roddy. Yeah. That'll be nice.' It's the most words you've heard her say and they surprise you.

'Yeah, dad. It'll be great to have everyone here. Right, Rem?' Your brother nudges you out of your shocked staring.

'Oh, yeah. Good idea, dad. It'll be nice seeing everyone again.'

Your dad smiles, a real smile this time. 'Great. I'll give Roddy a call back. Let him know which hotels are good.' He turns to leave, but stops before he does. 'Oh, and you guys can invite some friends if you want? If they don't already have plans?' He walks out and you hear him chatting to Roddy as he makes his way to his bedroom.

Your brother looks at you, eyebrows raised. 'A party,' he says ironically. 'You gonna invite anyone?' You think for a second. George and Lexi aren't back until the 3rd and there's nobody else you could invite really - you're not close enough with Alex or April to invite them into this mess. You shake your head.

'They're all at home for the holidays. I'll be alright,' you smile. And then a thought pops into your head. 'What about you? You gonna bring anyone?'

He looks uncertain. 'Would it be weird for me to invite Robert?' he asks, face contorted. You try to hide the fizzing excitement that bubbles slightly at the mention of his name as he continues. 'He's the only one here that I've told about... anyway, it's okay if you'd find it too weird, your professor being in our home.'

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