Chapter 17 - One Step at a Time

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Walking into college from the car park the next day, you feel a spring in your step. You'd even chatted with Rex on the way in, actually finding his dumb stories funny for once. You'd laughed at all the right parts and everything. You felt like a normal human being. Who'd have thought?

You find yourself walking faster and faster as you make your way towards Robert's class.

You have his lesson first today, and it can't come soon enough. You feel like a teenager all over again, having a crush on the boy in your class. Back then you never had the balls to talk to him though, let alone date him.

Dating? Is that what this is? You're still not really sure but you don't have time to ponder as you reach the door of room 201.

Walking into class, your eyes flick upwards subtly to where Robert stands. He's leaning over his desk, clicking something on his computer. His eyes flit to you at the same time and you notice the subtle twitch as the corners of his mouth form into a small smile. You feel a rush of blood to your cheeks as you smile shyly back, taking your seat at the back of the class where George and Lexi are already waiting.

'You're in a good mood,' George chirps as you sit down.

'You look like you just swallowed a canary,' Lexi adds coyly, raising her eyebrows.

You feel your cheeks get even warmer as you try to brush it off. 'Oh, uh... yeah I slept a little better last night,' you lie.

'Uh huh...' George says, clearly not believing you. You take your seat just as Robert starts talking, thankful for the distraction.

Robert has a tie on today. A skinny, black tie loosely hung around his neck, the top button of his shirt open. You've never seen him in a tie before and it makes your brain spin. He sneaks a couple of glances at you throughout his lecture, but nothing that could ever be noticed by any of the other students. As the lesson draws to a close, you notice that he's dismissing everyone 10 minutes earlier than usual. You look around nervously as the other students begin to pack up their things, some leaving immediately and others (the more die hard Robert fans) staying behind to talk to him.

Just as you're walking towards the door with your friends, thinking that you've missed your opportunity, you hear him excuse himself from the pack of girls that had swarmed his desk at the end of class. 'Miss Boden, do you have a sec to talk about your assignment? I won't keep her too long guys, don't worry,' he smiles at George and Lexi.

'Sure, we'll just wait for you in the cafeteria. Coffee?' asks George brightly.

'Yeah please! I'll be right there,' you reply, waving them out with the last dregs of the class.

The door closes and you spin around to face Robert who is slouching against his desk, hands relaxed on the edge. 'Hey,' he grins as you walk over to join him.

'Hey,' you smile back, unable to keep your cheeks from burning under his gaze. He stands up straight as you get closer, stepping forwards as your near the desk.

'I've been wanting to do this all morning,' he says, his voice dropping an octave. His hand brushes your hair behind your ear as he leans in without hesitation. His lips gently meet yours, the feeling sending shivers down your spine.

It's slow and sensual and just what you need, every turn of his head so precise. You feel like he's leading you through it, taking charge as your mouths massage against each other. He breaks away, hand still on your jaw, foreheads touching as he nuzzles his nose once with yours.

'I've wanted to do that all morning too...' you whisper, smiling coyly.

He smiles widely, flashing his teeth and crinkling the corners of his eyes. 'It was good seeing you yesterday,' he says, hand dropping back down as you both lean on the desk. 'A nice surprise. I wasn't expecting you to be there.'

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