Chapter 36 - Take Me Home

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A/N: Your comments give me so much life that I wrote this and released it as soon as it was done. As ever, enjoy - it's a long one!


'So... are you gonna tell me the plan or do I just have to trust you?' you ask as you strip yourself of your coat and grab a cold piece of bacon leftover from breakfast. Robert swaggers across the room, looking up at the ceiling with his face scrunched in thought.

'What do you want to know?' he eventually asks, leaning forwards against at the breakfast bar, sleeves rolled up so you can see the muscles of his forearms contracting as he props himself up.

You shrug. 'I dunno... just a ball park maybe? Just so I know whether I need to get dressed up or anything.'

'Okay. I can do a ball park,' he winks, making you swoon. 'We're going out. Somewhere... fitting for a birthday such as yours. And we're gonna meet up with some people too, if that's okay with you.' He grins a cheesy grin and you know that's all you're getting. Meeting some people? You wonder who it'll be and what it'll be like and you hope that, if they're Robert's friends, they at least take a liking to you.

The excitement fizzes in your stomach at the thought of a night out (to dinner, presumably) with Robert. In New York. You let out an excited squeal and throw your arms around his neck, pecking him on the lips and taking him by surprise. 'I'd better go get ready then!' He chuckles at your outburst and pecks you one more time before letting you go and you run straight to the bathroom to begin the preparations.

After showering with the very fancy toiletries kept in Robert's bathroom, you dry your hair straight, adding some volume for luck. Pulling on Robert's robe, you kneel beside your suitcase to pull out your outfit and makeup for the night. You take out the velvet dress and your heart skips a beat when you see the lacy lingerie underneath it. Lifting it out, you admire it in the light until a knocking sound shocks you and you quickly bundle it back into the suitcase just before Robert's head peeks around the door.

'Hey, I'm just gonna hop in the...' He trails off when his eyes fall on you and a cheeky grin spreads across his face as he slinks further into the room. You look up at him, a mixture of puzzlement and intrigue forming your expression.

'What are you smirking at?' you chuckle, taking the hand he's outstretched for you and standing up to meet him.

'I was just thinking about how that robe looks better wrapped around you than it has ever looked on me.' His eyes glaze over as he looks down over your body in his robe, slowly dragging his gaze back up to your lips.

You're taken aback by how quickly the atmosphere has changed and you feel the goosebumps on your skin as he traces his fingers from your hand, up your arm and across onto your jaw. With a quick flick of his eyes on yours, he crashes his lips to you, his mouth hungry and intense.

Your hands make their way up to his chest, one behind his neck raking at the short hairs as he continues his assault on your lips. He pulls away for only a split second before diving into your neck, sucking soft, hot kisses from your ear down the columns of your neck. Your robe falls a little, exposing your bare shoulder to him and your cheeks flush when his fingers follow the fabric. His fingertips leave a hot trail along your skin as he swirls feather-light touches across your collarbone and you can barely stand the tension. He peppers a line of passionate kisses back up to the corner of your jaw, making your knees weak and a small moan escape your lips.

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