Chapter 35 - Tour Guide

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A/N: Hello again! It's been a while, I know. I was actually planning to combine this chapter with the next but I wanted to release this to give you something to read so it'll be split into two shorter chapters. And 2.2k reads - where did you all come from?! Hope you enjoy and I promise, the big moment we've all been waiting for is coming very soon...


The glow of auburn sunlight through the curtains awakens you the next morning. You sit up in the huge, plush bed, white bed sheets crumpled around you as you rub your eyes and take in your surroundings. Robert is nowhere to be seen but the unmade bed next to you suggests that he slept in here too. Your stomach flutters at that thought, realising that he must've carried you in here after you fell asleep on him last night.

Standing up, you pad across the hardwood floor to the curtains and slide them open to reveal the most breathtaking view you think you've ever seen. The sun is still rising, painting the sky with orange and pink hues that reflect off the huge buildings and bathe the streets below in a warm radiance. You absentmindedly twiddle with your necklace as you admire the view and then you remember what day it is.

'Happy birthday Robyn,' you whisper, feeling a tear prick your eye as you stroke the thin 'R' etched under your fingertips.

You don't hear the soft footsteps behind you and it takes you by pleasant surprise when you feel warm, familiar arms wrapping around your waist from behind. 'Good morning, beautiful,' Robert whispers in your ear, voice still gravely from sleep. His closeness makes your hair stand up on end and your hand links with his as you melt into him.

'Good morning,' you whisper back in a cloud of relaxation. He turns you around in his arms so you're facing him and then, without a word, his lips are on yours.

He tastes like mint and smells like fresh linen and for a moment, you forget where you are as your fingers tangle in his hair and the other hand rests on his chest. He massages slow, soft kisses onto your lips before pulling back, a hazy smile on his face. 'Happy birthday,' he says before pecking you on the nose and making you giggle. 'Come on, follow me,' he grins, leading you by the hand to the kitchen.

You follow him willingly, enjoying the view as he walks in front of you. He's wearing just a pair of grey lounge shorts and a tight, black t-shirt and it's hard not to appreciate the muscles in his back rippling as he walks.

When you reach the doorway, you tear your eyes away from your favourite view and are taken aback by what you see. On the breakfast counter, there are plates of pastries and bacon and fruit, among which a card sits with your name written on the envelope. 'I hope you're hungry,' he grins, clearly happy with himself having noticed your expression. You let out an impressed huff and follow him over to the counter, sitting in the chair beside him.

'Robert, this is amazing. Like, seriously, you've set the bar high,' you say, eyes wide as you take in everything in front of you.

He chuckles as he pours a glass of orange juice for you. 'Its a special birthday! Gotta push the boat out a little for my girl,' he winks. You feel your cheeks flush at the new nickname and clear your throat, taking a cinnamon swirl in the hopes it distracts him from your beetroot face.

Between bites, he reaches over to the card, one finger in the air dramatically with his mouth full of bacon. 'Ah! I almost forgot! A card for the birthday girl,' he grins. You grin back and take it from him, opening it up to find a picture of a squirrel on the front of the card with the words 'nuts about you' printed below it. You snigger, eyeing him through your lashes as you open up the card.

Here's to another year around the sun. I can't wait to share it with you. I love you

You feel your heart flutter and you look up at him, smiling. 'I love you too.' He smiles back and gestures for you to turn to the back of the card excitedly. Flipping it over, you notice a ticket of some sort stuck to the back.

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