Chapter 33 - Can't Wait

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'He's taking you WHERE?!' Lexi exclaims, her mouth dropping open and her hands squeezing yours a little too excitedly.

'New York!' you laugh, not quite believing it yourself yet. It's been two days since Robert presented you with the tickets and it's still sinking in - you're going to New York with him in two days.

'Oh my god Remy! How and where did you find this man? He's taking you to New York?? I mean, you so deserve it but damn, where can I get one?!' You can't help but chuckle at Lexi's dramatisation of everything but she's right - you're so damn lucky to have him.

'Have you told your dad yet? Does he know about him? Has he met him?' Lexi spews, eyes wide with excitement.

'No, actually he doesn't know anything yet,' you admit, knowing you've been trying to avoid having the conversation for probably too long.

'Remy, you go on Friday, right? You have to tell him where you're going at least, even if you don't tell him who with,' she says.

'I know, I know...' you sigh. 'I will, I'll think of something to tell him. Don't worry about it.'

She gives you the side eye but is soon distracted again. 'Okay, but seriously. We need to go shopping to get you some new stuff to wear. And I don't just mean clothes to go out in. You need to be... prepared for all occasions, shall we say.' She wiggles one eyebrow suggestively and gives you a wicked grin. Your stomach flips at the thought of what she's insinuating and you don't know how to respond.

Of course you'd thought about it. You've never felt so full of desire for anything or anyone before - not even close. You're pretty sure that if he hadn't broken things off on Monday night, things would have gone further than they did, but the sheer thought of that is so scary.

What if you're bad at it? What if he compares you to the women he's had in the past? All these thoughts swarm around your head and you don't realise you've been staring until Lexi clicks her fingers in your face. 'Hello? Anybody in there?' she laughs.

'Sorry, just zoned out for a second,' you smile, embarrassed.

'Obviously, you were in deep thought about something. You okay?' she asks, head tilted. 'Yeah, fine. Just, uh, it's a lot,' you say nervously. She takes your hand again and squeezes it supportively.

'It is, but it's amazing, Rem. The man you love is whisking you away to New York. New York for God's sake! And hey, there's no pressure on you for anything to happen - you know that right?'

You nod, knowing he'd never even think of pressuring you into anything you weren't 100% on. 'Well there you go. But still, it doesn't hurt to get yourself something new, to feel confident and great about yourself when you're hand in hand with your man in one of the most amazing cities in the world. So whaddya say? Shopping?'

You laugh at her dramatic tone and nod eagerly. 'Shopping it is.'


'Hey! What did you guys get?' George calls as you stumble back into the house in fits of giggles. Lexi looks at you cheekily.

'Oh, just a few outfits for Rem's romantic weekend away!' she says nonchalantly, winking at you.

You break off into your room to pack your new clothes into your suitcase. You have enough jeans already so you didn't buy any today, but you bought a couple cute sweaters to wear during the daytime as the weather in New York in January is almost as cold as it is in Seattle. Lexi had highly encouraged you to buy the slightly short midnight blue velvet dress that you're now holding out in front of you. You figure that you'll pack it and if an opportunity arises for you to wear it, you will. You then pack a couple of your jackets and a scarf you got today.

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