Chapter 24 - Miracle?

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You're unable to speak. Your tongue is tied, the impossible somehow becoming real in a split second. Robert must have heard it too and his reaction tells you that this is really happening.

'Remy, you still there?'

You clear your throat. 'Yeah... Yeah I'm here. I'll be right there.' You hang up, dropping your phone onto the rug in utter shock. You stare at Robert wide eyed and he looks about as bewildered as you feel, all the passion from the moment before having floated away in the icy breeze.

'Rem, we've gotta go. I'll take you, okay?' He's got his hands on your shoulders trying to shift you off him to get moving but you're frozen to the spot, almost hearing the cogs turning in your head trying to make sense of what you just heard. 'Remy! Come on!' You snap out of it and quickly jump up, snatching your phone up off the floor and helping Robert bundle up the blankets into the bag.

You don't feel how you expected you would, probably because you hadn't prepared at all for this happening. You'd just accepted the fact that you'd lost her. You'd grieved for her, really. And now... poof. She's back. Just like that.

'Rem?' Robert looks concerned from his crouched position on the floor and you realise you're stood frozen solid, arms full of rolled up blankets that you'd forgotten you were holding. He comes to a stand and glides over to you. 'Come here,' he insists softly, arms wrapping around you as you drop the blankets to the ground and hold him tightly to you. You feel the tears welling up in your eyes and you can't stop them from flowing down your cheeks. 'It's going to be okay,' he whispers, stroking your hair. 'This is... a huge shock. But it's amazing, Remy. The chances of this happening after so long are...' he breathes out against your hair and shakes his head. 'It's pretty much a miracle,' he finishes. 'And I know that you weren't prepared for it, but it's here and it's happening and I know you need to see her.' He pulls back, staring intensely into your eyes. 'So let's get you there, yeah?' You nod shakily, knowing that every word he said is true.

It's not long before you're back at his car strapping yourself into the passenger seat. You hadn't realised how cold you were until now, feeling the warmth from his heating system burn your icy cheeks.

He pulls off, one hand firmly on your knee as he squeezes it reassuringly every minute or so, glancing over at you to check that you're alright. You're not really. You feel like you're in a daze. Like this is all a dream and you're waiting for the moment when you wake up.

'Um, I'm sure you already know this but she might not be... herself... right away,' he rambles, trying to find compassionate words to explain how she might wake up a shell of what she once was. 'She's been through so much and... you know, the coma might have... done things to her. We just don't know.'

'Okay,' you nod, not knowing what else to say as you take in his words. You let out a huge sigh, cheeks puffing out. You see the bright lights of the hospital up ahead and your stomach threatens to bring up everything you just ate. 'I... I don't know what to expect or what I'm supposed to say or...' you stammer, a million thoughts rushing through your head at once.

'You don't need to say anything. Just... be there for her. She needs you right now. I wish I could come in there with you, Rem, but you'll be amazing. Honest. You're everything she needs.' His words calm you as they always have and you breathe a sigh of relief mixed with worry as he pulls in front of the hospital doors.

'Thank you. Again. For... everything. Everything.' Your voice catches in your throat and you give his hand one last squeeze. He half smiles, shaking his head.

'Go on. She's waiting for you. I'll see you soon okay?' You nod and with that, you're out of the car and in the elevator before you know it.

You stand there, staring at the doors as they close and take you up to the third floor. You watch as the lights count up, your stomach fluttering with every number that passes. The doors ping open and Rex is there, pacing the floors and waiting for you. 'Rem,' he breathes out, relieved, as he strides across and pulls you into a tight hug. 'She's really awake,' he whispers, voice cracking. 'She's really awake.'

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