Chapter 20 - I'm Here

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Sitting in your seat third period on Monday, you can't help your eyes darting to the door every time it opens, each time hoping it'll be Robert.

Eventually, he saunters in, throwing his jacket over the back of his seat and swiftly logging into his computer.

His suits are getting more eccentric, and you know that nobody else could pull off an aubergine waistcoat and matching pants like he can. His eyes flick up and the corners of his mouth curl upwards quickly when he sees you, making your stomach twist and your cheeks flush.

'Alright, my honey bunnies,' he calls out, clapping his hands together with a grin and walking around to the front. 'As you're well aware, winter tests are on Thursday so please take today's session to study. Buddy up, test each other, research, whatever works. I'm happy for you to stay in here or use the library - I'll be flitting between the two ensuring nobody slacks off. Okay? Off we go!'

The scraping of chairs and distant chatter fill the room as you look around at your friends in the hopes they want to stay here. 'Well, I think we should go to the library guys. So many more resources there for our study session!' April says cheerily, always more enthusiastic than the rest of you. Your friends half heartedly agree and you disappointedly pick up your bag to follow them out and into the library.

You've been so desperate to see Robert all weekend and now that you're in his class, you won't even be in the same room as him for the two hours you'd looked forward to. Sighing, you continue on and find an unoccupied table in the library, although it's nowhere near the medical journals. 'Alright, who's going to get the supplies cos it sure as hell ain't me,' Alex drawls.

'Not it!' the others shout in unison, grinning at you afterwards.

'What are we, 10?' you chime, amused.

'Sorry, Rem. The rules stipulate that the one who is too slow must serve those who were blessed with natural speed...' George jokes, arms up in a shrugging pose.

'Fine, I'll go,' you say, rolling your eyes.

'Thanks, Rem!' Lexi grins cheesily, and you get up to leave.

As you make your way over to the journals, you're surprised that there's not more students around this part of the library since you're all supposed to be studying. You start fingering through the spines of the books, picking out a few that you know will be referenced in your test.

'Any recommendations?' a voice says from close behind you, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you realise it's Robert. You turn to face him, not able to suppress the grin forming on your face.

'I think I should be the one asking you that,' you reply.

'Well, I'm no expert on these things, but I do know what I like...' he says, stepping closer to you.

You freeze and suck in a surprised breath at how swiftly he's closed the gap. He reaches to a shelf high up behind you, only inches between your bodies as he stretches up to grab a book. You can feel his breath on your face as he leans in and your heart pounds in your chest.

And just as quickly as he stepped forwards, you feel a waft of air as he moves back. 'Now this is a thrilling read,' he smirks, holding out a journal you haven't seen before. You take it from him and your fingers brush his. Your heart flutters as you step back from him, looking up at him through your lashes. He knows what he's doing.

''The use of stem cells for ACL repair. Sounds... thrilling,' you say, still trying to focus.

'Yeah, the author is pretty good. His stuff... groundbreaking.' You turn the journal to the side to see the spine. Mouth dropping open a little, your head snaps up to look at him. 'Dr Robert Downey Jr?' you say in disbelief, eyeing him.

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